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I had forgotten I have a life outside of my little family. Scarlett could be really distracting sometimes. Actually, all the time. I'm not really complaining because I would do anything the woman asked but sometimes it comes to the point where I should probably get back to doing grown-up things. So that's where I was after breakfast and far into the day. I was hunched over my laptop in Scarlett's office and it was becoming harder and harder to focus. At first, it was easy and almost fun. I missed working on my projects but then it became taxing and I kind of wish I could ship it off and let someone else do it. But it was my production company so I should do at least some of it myself. 

Scarlett had agreed to leave me alone so I could try and get as much done and then be open to spending time with her and Rose later. But I was grateful when the door pushed open behind me and arms rested around my neck, resting on my shoulders. A cold glass of water presses against my chest as she's holding it. 

"Hello, Beautiful." Scarlett presses a kiss to the top of my head and I lean back to look up at her. 

"Hi." I smile and she grins at me. 

"I brought you some water. How's it going?" She places the glass down on the desk before wrapping her arm back around my neck. 

"Thanks, Babe." I pucker my lips out and she giggles as she pecks my lips a few times. "It's going alright. I'll probably stop soon." 

"Ok. How about you stop once I finish dinner?" She asks and I nod. 

"Sounds like a plan. Thanks." I wait for her to peck my lips a few more times before she stands up. How did I ever survive without her? 

"I'll text you when it's done. Don't keep me waiting." She winks as she backs out of the office. 

"I won't!" I call after her and listen to her receding footsteps down the stairs. 

I turn my attention back to the computer and get back to typing. I've gotten into quite the groove when I hear the door open again. I glance at my phone worried I missed her text but there was nothing there. 

I was a bit surprised when Rose spoke, "Mom?" 

I felt my face flush a bit at the name. She really was calling me Mom. She saw me as a parent. I'm so in love with this kid. "Yes, Sweetheart?" I spin in my chair to see her slowly walking toward me with a frown on her face and her hands behind her back. "What's wrong, Pumpkin." 

"I broke my horse." She holds out a little wooden horse figure that is missing one of its legs. In her other hand is the missing leg. 

"Oh no! What's the horse's name?" I ask, reaching out for her to walk closer. 

"His name is, Charles." She answers and I see her lip tremble a little bit. 

"Come here. Charles just needs to go to the doctor ok? I can get him all fixed up for you." I pull her onto my lap and I turn the chair back to the desk. I shut off the laptop and make some space in front of us to lay down Charles and his leg. 

"You can fix him?" Rose asks. 

"We can fix him." I correct her and a small smile forms on her face. "What color should his cast be?" 

"Blue!" Rose shouts and I pull out a piece of blue construction paper. 

"Alright, Dr. Rose. Can you cut a rectangle out of this?" I draw faint lines on the paper for her to follow and hand her a pair of scissors. As she starts to cut I sneakily dab some superglue onto the leg and press it against the body. 

"Done! Dr. Y/N it's your turn." Rose says, handing me the paper. I slowly wrap it around the broken part of the leg. 

"Pass me the tape, please." I request and Rose slides it closer to me. I use a small piece of tape to connect the paper before drawing faint lines on it to make it look more like a cast. "Want to sign it?" 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now