Cuddle Party

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After I delivered Scarlett's pajamas I head downstairs to see Rose on the couch. She had pulled out every blanket that we probably had and they were all laid out over the floor. She had put pillows all over the place and she was watching me come down the stairs.

"Can you tell me what happens during a cuddle party?" I ask as I lean on the back of the couch to put my head near hers.

"We normally have snacks and hot chocolate." She says quickly and I stand up again. I smile at her adorable onesie that looks like a penguin.

"Do you want marshmallows?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"Yes!" She shouts and she stands up on the couch to watch me. I make two mugs and one sippy cup of hot chocolate. Rose loves those cups more than anything, I swear. I hand one to her and place the other two on the coffee table before searching the cabinets for snacks.

The wind howls past the house and I can still hear the clattering of the ice. This really came out of nowhere. I sit on the floor and pull blankets over me and Rose slides off the couch to join me. "Do you watch movies?" I ask.

"Sometimes." She cuddles into my side and I wrap my arm around her.

"Should I get anything else?" I ask and she shrugs.

"We just need Mommy." She says as she turns her head to watch the stairs. As if on cue I hear Scarlett start to head down the stairs. She smiles and runs over to join us on the floor.

"Did you get started without me?" She teases.

"You took a long time." Rose pouts and I smirk at Scar as I grab her mug and hand it to her.

"I'm sorry," Scarlett says as she pulls Rose away from me to rest in her lap. I move over so I'm closer to Scarlett and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"What big news are we going to talk about?" Rose asks and I raise an eyebrow.

"We normally start off with a serious conversation. Just a good heart to heart." Scarlett explains and I nod.

"I know we've both been meaning to ask you if you want to come to the house tours with us," I say to Rose.

"What do I have to do?" She asks with a tilt of her head.

"Just walk through different houses and see what they look like," I explain.

Rose seems to think about it for a few minutes before nodding, "That sounds fun."

"We want your opinion too," Scarlett adds in and I nod.

"I need a cool room." Rose insists.

"You can have the coolest room," I assure her.

"Yay!" She cheers before taking a large sip of her drink.

"We haven't fully talked about the finance side of things." Scarlett looks at me and I glare at her.

"I think that's more of a conversation for you and me. Rose will get bored with money talk." I say.

"I'm ok with listening. As long as I get cuddles." Rose says and I look between the two of them.

"Alright. It's a pretty simple conversation. We can just split the mortgage." I say and Scarlett shakes her head.

"There are bills to discuss." She reminds me and I groan.

"I think I hate the money talk more than Rose," I say.

"I don't hate it." She proves my point.

"Exactly. You've been paying for everything as I've been living here. Which is something I didn't even think about until now. I'll pick up the slack at the new place with the bills." I decide and she narrows her eyes.

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