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I parked close to the exit but also far enough away that anyone with cameras would probably miss me. My chair was leaning back as I tried to get over the whole someone leaving cameras in my house thing, but that was harder than it looked. Though all thoughts left me when Scarlett knocked on the window and I unlocked the door letting her slide into the passenger seat next to me. 

"Hey. How was it?" I pull my chair up and reach over to hold her hand. 

"Dreadful. Just drive please." She leans her head back into the chair and shuts her eyes. 

I squeeze her hand, "Want to talk about it?" 

She shakes her head, "Not right now." 

"Alright." I squeeze her hand again before pulling out onto the main road and heading back to her place. Robert had left when I left, taking his flashy sports car with him. Rose was with Scarlett's brother, Hunter, for tonight and tomorrow. Since we would have to be at the premier tomorrow it seemed best for her to be with someone. 

Once we arrive home after our extremally quiet drive, Scarlett marches inside. I follow close behind and she sits down on the couch with a sigh. "I'm so happy that's over." 

"Can I get you anything?" I lean over to ask as I place my hands on her shoulders. 

"Water, if you can." She places her hands on mine and I smile, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Of course. One moment." I stand up straight and quickly make her a cold glass of water and one for myself before I sit down next to her. 

"Thanks." She curls her legs up against herself and leans onto me in a small ball while sipping from the glass. 

"You want to talk about it now?" I wrap an arm around her shoulders and she nods. 

"It's dumb. I shouldn't be so upset over it." She murmurs and I shake my head. 

"If it made you uncomfortable you have every right to be upset. What happened?" I kiss the top of her head and she gives me a small smile. 

"He just kind of said some things about my role in the movie." She looks up at me and I wait for her to continue. "He was just saying that my role was to be 'ridiculously hot' and he just kept making comments about it." 

"I mean he's right. You are ridiculously hot." I say and she smacks my arm. 

"Shut up!" She says as she smacks my arm again. 

"Fine fine. Listen, I know comments and questions get weird. Don't be afraid to say something, Scar. You're in the right." I run my fingertips up and down her arm and she nods. 

"I just... I don't want to make them feel bad." She answers. 

"I get that you're an amazing and kind person. But some people don't deserve to see how kind you are. They have to earn that." I try to convince her but all I get is a small nod. "What can I do to make you feel better?" I ask and she gives me a slightly surprised look. 

"Tell me about your day." She intertwines our fingers together and I sigh. 

"I don't think that will make your day any better," I answer and she gives me a weird look. 

"What do you mean? Did something happen?" She grabs my hand a little tighter and I smile at her.

"The interview was great. We had a lot of fun talking about future projects. I don't want to make you more upset with the other part." I decide and she shakes her head. 

"Now I have to know." She shifts so she's straddling my lap and is looking down at me. 

"Well... Robert and I stopped by my place to grab some of my stuff. When we got there both of us felt off and I thought it was just because I knew someone had been there. But we found cameras around the place..." I glance at her and I feel her tense. 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now