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A/N The song above is the one you guys will sing later on if you want to listen to it!


"Tell us something no one knows about you," Hunter says as he leans toward me. It was late and Rose was in bed already as we just hung out in the living room. 

"That's tough. The internet is pretty good at figuring things out." I say as I try and think of something. 

"There has to be something!" He presses and I sigh. 

"You want something depressing or something funny?" I ask and Karsten furrows his eyebrows. 

"Both!" Hunter decides and I roll my eyes. 

"I'll give out the depressing news first." I decide and lean back with my arm draped around the edge of the couch. "The public already kind of knows that my dad and I aren't on good terms. But they don't know is that he was kind of abusive." The room falls silent and I crack a smile. "See? Good one right there. Now... a funny story would have to be-" 

"Y/N," Scarlett says and for the first time in a while, I look over at her. She's standing up and closer than she was before. 

"Yes?" I ask. 

"Don't do that." She says and I give her a confused look. "You can't just drop that and move on." 

"You're right. It didn't happen often. It's just the first thing that came to my mind when you asked about something the public didn't know. I've moved on and he never hit hard." I shrug it off and Scarlett just stares at me. 

"You never told me this." She states. 

"There were some more pressing matters to deal with," I respond and she sighs.

"Stop putting others before yourself." She leans down in front of me so her hands are on my legs. 

"I can't do that, Scar," I say and she hangs her head for a few moments. 

"Alright. You guys have fun, I'm going to bed." She pushes off of me and heads up the stairs as I watch her. 

"Go," Karsten says after a few minutes pass in silence. 

"Yeah." I agree as I stand up and notice my hands are kind of sweaty. 

"Well, I guess the prank worked." Hunter chimes in and I glance at him. 

"I feel kind of awful," I admit. 

"Am I falling asleep here? As I remember she said you were sleeping here." Hunter jokes to try and ease up the tension. 

"I'm not going to let that happen. See you guys in the morning." I wave and head up the stairs. I walk slowly past Rose's room and knock gently on the door to the room Scar and I are sharing. She doesn't answer so I push the door open slowly to see her in bed already on her side with her eyes shut. Damn it. We shouldn't go to bed with one of us upset at the other. When I walk closer her eyes open but she just stares at the wall in front of her. "Scar?" I try and she doesn't move. "I'm sorry." I try again and she just rolls her eyes. "Talk to me." I plead.

"Oh? Now you want to talk to me. I see how it is." She mumbles and shuts her eyes again.

"I deserved that. Hunter and I came up with this amazing idea to prank you where I would pretty much ignore you." I share and she slowly turns to look at me. 

"Well, I've come up with the amazing idea of where you sleep on the floor." She taunts and I roll my eyes when I see the small hint of a smile on her face. 

"Alright then." I take the pillow from the bed and place it on the floor before laying down. A few minutes pass and I worry she actually fell asleep until her face pops over the side to look down at me. 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now