Food Fight

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Dinner was completely fine and normal. When they came down I was worried at first but then I was back in bed and sleeping with nothing going wrong. Which only meant that it was something big and it was going to happen in the future. Great... What exactly have I gotten myself into? 

When I woke up to the blaring alarm the next morning the idea of being pranked left my mind. Going back to set was more stressful than I thought it was going to be. But everything was fine. The whole cast was amazing and Chris pulled me into the biggest hug I've ever received when I walked in the doors. 

"Put me down," I complain and he listens, resting my feet back onto the solid floor. 

"We've all missed you." He places his hands on my shoulder as the rest of the team walks over. 

"Yeah. I missed your goofy ass, Y/LN." Robert says as he walks over and I roll my eyes at him. 

"Missed yours too." I wink at him and we all start to laugh. 

"Be gentle with her guys." Scarlett walks over and takes my hand and I smile down at her. 

"We aren't that scary!" The other Chris comes over. How am I going to have to address them now? I guess the Chris I've known forever can remain Chris while Hemsworth can be referred to by his cool last name. Hemsworth is a pretty cool last name in my opinion. 

"Maybe we're scary to a short person like yourself." Robert shrugs and I kick his leg. 

"I'm the only one who's allowed to make short jokes now. Plus I'm taller than you so back off." I place my arm on Scarlett's shoulder who instantly pushes me off and walks away. 

"Fuck you guys!" She stomps away and I hold back a laugh. 

"Look what you did. You scared the only sane person away." Jeremy complains. 

"You two make a cute couple," Mark says as he finally speaks up. 

"Thanks." I smile at him as we all slowly disperse to get to what we're supposed to be doing today. 

The day is easy enough. I try my best to get scenes done as quickly as possible but I find myself laughing way too hard at the dumbest things. I watch as Chris struggles with putting on a parachute for way too long before they call a cut and I run over to help him put it on. By the end of the day, I haven't Scarlett at all and I'm starting to feel bad for using her as an armrest before. 

I finally run into her when I'm having my measurements redone for a new costume coming in and she just walks over to lean on my side. "What's up?" I ask when she gives me the most pitiful look I've seen. 

"I wanna go home." She complains and we walk out of the costume room.

"You ok?" I ask when she tightly wraps her arms around me. 

"I have awful cramps." She pouts some more and I run my fingers up and down her back. 

"Alright. I might get yelled at but we're almost done anyway." I kiss her forehead before sitting her down near Robert. I run over and say that we're heading home and luckily there isn't a fuss the last scenes of the day didn't include either of us so that was lucky. When I head back over to Scar I realize that leaving her with Robert was a bad choice. 

"Leaving so soon? Couldn't handle all of us and have to run off?" He asks when I get close enough to hear him. 

"It's actually me. You guys are driving me insane and I want to go home." Scarlett exclaims and stands up to grab onto me again. 

"Alright then. Shoo, lovebirds." He shoos us away and I laugh when Scar kisses my cheek. "Ew. I liked it better when one of you was at home." 

"Shut up." I glare at him.

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