First Night

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My heart dropped as I stared at the little red dot indicating my doom. He had never reached out before this way. Whenever he decided to make a surprise reappearance in my life, it was always in person. My hand tightened around the phone, and I glanced over at Scarlett and Rose outside. Rose was furiously pointing at her plans while Scarlett had a giant smile on her face. 

I decided to ignore it and finish ordering dinner. Tonight was meant to be exciting, not filled with dread. Once the food was on its way, I headed out into the chill of the evening. It was getting cold pretty fast. I grabbed Rose's jacket that she always left lying on the floor just in case she decided to be cold for once. Scarlett would make her bring it to school, but I knew she never wore it. She just refused ever to feel cold. 

Scarlett was rolling up the scattered papers so we could bring them inside and I watched the once clear sky slowly fill with clouds. Rose rolled up her version of the plans and handed it to me with a massive smile on her face. 

"Here's mine!" She beams at me, and I nod. 

"Thanks, Rose." I help her off the table, so Scarlett doesn't have a panic attack over her jumping off of things. 

"It's supposed to snow tonight," Scarlett says, and her back is turned to us as she looks at the sky. 

"Will they cancel school?" Rose asks quickly, and I laugh. 

"We will have to wait until tomorrow," I say, and she frowns. 

"But I want to know now." Rose demands and Scarlett finally turns to look at us. 

"Sadly I don't control your school system. Let's get inside." She takes Rose's hand and the two head inside. I turn to follow them when the gate slams open with a sudden gust of wind. I spin and for a split second I swear I see my dad standing there but of course no one is here. 

"I'll get it." I say and Scarlett nods as she shuts the door behind her. 

I walk across the lawn and I grab onto the side to force it shut. As I push it closed I look up to find the latch and quickly lock it up. Robert must have done a terrible job. I join the two of them inside and we don't have to wait too long before the food arrives. Scarlett gets it from the door before we all sit down on the floor in the soon to be living room. 

"If school is canceled can we play in the snow?" Rose asks. She had purposefully positioned herself so she can still see outside. So far the temperature had just dropped pretty rapidly and wind had picked up. No sign of rain or snow as of now. 

"Even if there is school we can play afterwards." I promise her and she grins. 

"You're the best!" Rose lunges at me and I let myself fall backward. She sits on my stomach before leaning forward to give me a hug. 

"I'm insulted." Scarlett teased and I saw her looking down at me. 

"Will you play in the snow too?" Rose asks. 

"If it's ok with, Mama." Scarlett's hands rest on the side of my head as she shifts to sit behind me. I look up at her and meet her gaze, it was like she was looking for something in my eyes. 

I clear my throat and look away, "Of course that's ok. You better come up with some fun game." 

"I can do that!" Rose promises and she climbs off of me to get back to her food. When I move to sit up Scarlett shifts forward so my head is resting in her lap. 

I look up at her again and she mouths, "Are you ok?" 

"Later." I mouth back and she nods. She lets me sit up but her hand is on my back for the rest of the night. I guess something about me shifted that she was able to pick up on pretty easily. 

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