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"Alfred!" I call as I rush towards him at the airport. He already has my bags by his side and a sign with my name is clutched in his hands. He quickly puts the sign down in order to shake my hand. But, instead, I pulled him into a hug.

"Hi." He says as he easily hugs me back. "The car is by the doors." He explains when we pull away from each other.

"Thank you for getting me." I say as we start heading for the exit.

He chuckles, "That is my job."

"I know! I was just teasing you." I bump his arm lightly and he opens the door of the car for me to slide into. He then puts my luggage into the trunk and easily gets into the driver's seat.

We talk about my time away and he updates me about his family. Everything felt nicely familiar and as much as I was not a fan of cities, it felt nice to be back in this one.

That feeling soon changed when we got stuck in countless amounts of traffic and all I could hear were car horns blasting. Thankfully we were able to escape it and got onto emptier roads that led to home.

When we pulled in, Scarlett's car wasn't there. Alfred grabbed my luggage as I struggled to unlock the door, I swear the keyhole moves every time.

Once we're inside he brings my bags up the stairs and I revel in the quiet of being home. Alfred says his goodbyes and leaves just as quickly as we had gotten there.

I check the time and realize that Scar had most likely gone to pick up Rose from school. I still had about half an hour at most before she returned. I decided to spend that time reacquainting myself with the house. She had completely finished decorating the living room, she even put a bunch of Rose's lego sets in cabinets meant for china. I smiled as I looked at the first set we built together. My breath hitches as I recall the moment I caught Scar from falling. The tension was really too much to endure back then. I couldn't be happier with my life now, everything was perfect.

The fridge was covered in Rose's drawings and also a few pictures with the three of us. There was a pile of unopened mail on the counter that I shifted through. There were a couple bills and a few royalty checks for both Scarlett and myself. At the bottom was a handwritten letter addressed to Scarlett from her dad. I moved that one to the top of the pile as I used my phone to cash in the checks.

I made myself a bagel to snack on as I watched through the front windows, getting more and more excited to see Scarlett's car pull up. I was tempted to jump out and scare them, although I do not think I would enjoy that all too much if I was on the receiving end. I landed on the idea to just act completely causal and like I had never left.

After a couple minutes had passed I remembered that I quite literally have Scarlett's location on my phone. I pull it up and see that she is still ten minutes away. It looks like she may have just dropped Rose off at a friend's house, since she is in that area. Perhaps scaring could be back on the table...

I head upstairs to check out Rose's room. The bookshelf I had installed was painted and full of books now. I pulled it open and couldn't help but smile at the sight behind. She had filled her secret playroom with stuffed animals and a little table with a tea set on top of it. I had to crouch to get in but I wanted to see what else had been done. There was a sticky note on one of the walls that said Blue sky with clouds in Scarlett's handwriting. The wall was still white so my guess was it was to be painted. Some of the other walls had shelves installed. I was a little jealous that they didn't need me to do anything.

I started to crawl back to the door when I heard movement in the hallway. I pulled the bookshelf almost shut and watched through a crack as Scarlett opened Rose's door. She walked in and hung up Rose's backpack in her closet before straightening the bedsheets and blankets. She looked as stunning as ever. Her hair was in a ponytail and her cheeks were tinged with pink because of the cold. I made my breathing as quiet as possible as she walked around the room. Finally, she left and I was able to exit stuffed animal land.

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