Missing You

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A/N Part 100 already? This felt a lot faster than it felt with Harkin. I wrote a huge sappy thing for that book so if you missed that go ahead and catch up. I just passed 300 followers so thank you to everyone who's been here since the start, joined halfway through these stories, or just followed today... though it would be really impressive if you had just started reading this book today and got here... If I trust Wattpad's count it should take about 20 hours to read this one. Thank you so much for all the love and support that you've given me on this story! I started this one because a few people supported the idea on my other story. The people who told me this was a good idea, this is all because of you! I doubt myself way too much to do things by myself. I stand by what I said in my other 100th chapter that I owe you guys so much! This community is all I could have asked for. I've grown to know a few of you on a more personal level and I thank you for that. If anyone ever wants to reach out please feel free! I love to talk to you guys <3 (I also stand by being scared of writing smut chapters... I still get scared when I hit publish) Enjoy this fluffy chapter! Love you all <3

Scarlett POV 

I knew something was wrong the second I woke up. My alarm hadn't gone off like I planned so everything was already all over the place. I even reached over to the other side of the bed to try and find Y/N before I remembered where I was. Luckily our plane didn't take off for a while so it's not the worst thing that could happen. I reach for my phone and I groan when I can't find it. I bring my hand back to rub my eyes and try to wake up so I can find where it fell. I saw the charger but my phone wasn't plugged in. 

I stared at the ceiling for a few seconds as I spread my limbs out. I had confined myself to one side of the bed out of habit at this point. When I had come here before to get Rose I normally felt relieved and never want to go home because of the horror that awaited me. I often would debate leaving Rose here for longer but I always ended up being selfish and taking her with me. But now I so deeply missed the feeling of Y/N next to me. She didn't even have to be touching me but just knowing she was there was great. 

I finally shoved the covers off and got up so I could look under the bed for my phone but it was still gone. Did I somehow leave it downstairs? I got changed and made sure my suitcase was all set before I walked across the hall to gently push Rose's door open. She was fast asleep still with a blanket covering most of her body. I smiled and decided to let her sleep as I headed downstairs. 

"Good morning," Romain says from the living room as he backs a small backpack. 

"Hi." I greet and he smiles at me. It's always kind of weird whenever I see him in this normal setting again but we work through it. We agreed to make this as easy as we can for Rose. When I got here the first night he had asked about the rumors of me and Y/N. He seemed confused when I said they were true but he ended up asking to meet her. I wasn't sure if I wanted that to happen but I guess it should. 

"I picked up all the toys I think Rose wants to bring back with her." He gestures to the bag. 

"Thank you. I didn't mean to oversleep." I comment as I head into the dining room to check the table. "Have you seen my phone?" 

"Nope. What time do you two have to get going?" He asks. 

"We should leave for the airport in three hours. Are you still willing to drive us or should I call a car?" I ask as I start to look in the kitchen. 

"I took the day off so I can drive you two." He confirms and I nod. "Did you get up super late last night?" 

"I didn't leave my room. Why?" I look up and he shrugs. 

"I thought I heard movement but when I checked there was nothing." He answers. 

"Maybe it was Rose? I should wake her anyway." I head back upstairs and walk into her room. "Rose," I say in a gentle tone as I rest a hand on her shoulder. It's then that I notice her hand wrapped tightly around my phone. I furrow my eyebrows at the dark screen as I take it from her. She groans a little in her sleep and turns to her other side when I pull it from her hands. 

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