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A/N Ok, ok! You guys all seemed devested at the cliffhanger so here it is. Buckle in my friends things are about to get rough. Have fun!!! 


"I love you," Scarlett says quickly.

"I love you too," I answer as I flip it over. I study it for a few seconds before glancing up at her. We stare at each other for a few seconds and even with that short amount of time I fall even more in love with her. 

"What does it say?" Her voice is quiet as she reaches out to grab onto my wrist. 

I almost gave her a cheeky reply but this really wasn't the time. I smile at her and turn the test around so she can see it, "It's negative, Babe." 

"Oh thank god." She falls against me and I have to take a step back to prevent us from landing on the floor. I toss the test onto the counter so I can wrap my arms around her and hold her close. 

"I got you, my love," I whisper against her ear as I feel her body start to shake. I stare at the piece of plastic laying on the counter behind her. Part of me is sad, having a kid with Scarlett is now a dream of mine. I need that in our future. But overall I'm happy. I don't know how she would have dealt with having to have that man back in her life. 

Scarlett sniffs and leans back to wipe underneath her eyes, "I'm such a mess today." 

"I think we both are," I say as she looks up and reaches up to wipe some tears from under my eyes as well. 

"Your period is probably late because of all the changes going on in your life right now. Stress and also plane rides can alter it. You might be able to blame me." I say and she rolls her eyes. 

"What? You're thinking that we are both gonna be miserable at the same time? That's just unfair." She says and I laugh. 

"But that means extra cuddles and movies," I answer and she thinks it over. 

"That doesn't sound too bad." She decides and I grin at her. I watch as she slowly sits down onto the cool tiles of the bathroom and she leans her head against the wall. We've been on the floor a lot today. I slide down the wall so I'm next to her and I hold her hand. 

"What's going through your head?" I ask as I turn my head to look at her. 

"Too many things." She answers with a soft laugh. 

"Like what?" I press. 

She turns to me and I'm surprised by the look in her eyes. "You." She says and I widen both of my eyes and she takes her bottom lip between her teeth. 

"Scar, what?" I ask and she shrugs. 

"You heard me." She moves so she's straddling me and I'm looking up at her. "I want you to make me feel good." Her hands dig into my hair and she rubs at my head. 

"Are you sure? This isn't the emotions talking?" I reach up to pull her closer to me. 

"I think they might be a part of this. But I'm sure." She nods and I laugh. 

"You're staying true to your name, Ms. Horny," I comment and she glares at me. "What about my mom and Rose?" I ask and her glare only hardens. 

"The walls are thick. Your mom knows we're doing the test. She will probably be glad to take care of Rose as we let our emotions run wild." Scarlett slowly stands up and walks back into the bedroom. "Stay." She says when she glances over and sees me starting to stand up. It's then that I hear the door lock and soon she's locking the door to the bathroom behind her. I watch her toss the test in the trashcan and for a moment she seems really angry. But I let my eyes follow her as she heads over to the shower and turns on the water. "Just in case you get loud." 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now