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"Do you never sleep?" Scarlett asks as she comes down the stairs and I look up from the cake batter I'm mixing. 

"I mean I fall asleep right next to you so that answer is kind of obvious." I pour the batter into a cake pan before hitting the edges a few times to make it level. 

"But you decorated everything! And you even started the cake." She points out and helps me move the pans into the oven and she sets the timer. 

"I woke up with energy." I shrug and look around the room. I had put up as many Marvel decorations as I was able to buy and fit on the walls. I set up little games that had to do with all the heroes in the current film and I was hoping the guys would be willing to stand near their game. Chris had a frisbee golf thing outside around the bouncy house that I still had to blow up. Hemsworth had a little version of the 'Strongman' games where you hit the button with a hammer and see how strong you are. Jeremy was pretty simple, hit the target with magnet darts. Mark had a face painting area, I wasn't sure what to do for him, sorry Mark. Robert had a crafts area where they could design something he could then help them send it to the 3D printer. Scarlett could hang out around the bouncy house and teach some of her tricks. This should work. 

"What do you need me to do?" She asks. 

"I've got it under control." I shrug and I run outside to start blowing up the bouncy house. 

"Y/N! Let me help." She pouts and I shrug. 

"You can fill up the water balloons." I point over to a bucket and she nods before starting to fill them up and tie them shut. Once I'm back inside I make sure all the presents so far are sitting on the table and things look tidy. I then get started on making some amazing breakfast for Rose and I finish just as she comes down the stairs. "Happy Birthday, Rose!" 

She yawns and climbs onto the chair as I put her food in front of her. "Thank you." She reaches out to hug me and I squeeze her until Scarlett comes inside. 

"Happy Birthday my miracle." She says and kisses Rose all over her face.

"Thank you, Mommy." Rose allows the kisses until she decides it's time to eat. 

"Open up!" A knock on the door makes Scar jump and I roll my eyes when I see Robert has his face pressed against the window. 

"Why is he here an hour early?" Scarlett groans and I walk over to open the door. 

Robert struts right in and points at Rose, "There she is! The birthday girl!" He runs over and gives her a hug and drops off a box on the table with the other gifts. "How are you doing, Y/N?" 

"You're early." I narrow my eyes and he shrugs. 

"Am I? The party starts when I arrive." He spins around and points at Scarlett, "You're a plum." 

"I thought I was a grape." She says and I stifle a laugh. 

"You're a sour grape. Get it right!" Robert steals a few chips from the bowl on the counter. 

"It's too early for you to be near me." Scarlett decides and heads back outside. 

"I stand by what I said. She is a sour grape." Robert says and Rose giggles. "Can I do anything to help set up?" 

"Can you see if the cake is done?" I ask and he nods as I head outside to check everything over again. 

While I start decorating the cake with some help from Scarlett more of my marvel friends start to arrive. Chris is next and he steals Rose away for a while. Jeremy and Mark arrive together and Hemsworth shows up after them. Tom shows up as well and I didn't even know he was coming. I let Scarlett deal with Rose's friends because I have never met them or their parents before so she gets to handle that. 

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