Birthday Walk

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Okay. I was starting to feel a little bad about separating Rose and Scarlett today. I hadn't really thought it through that a kid probably wants to spend time with her mom during her birthday and vice versa. I had been so preoccupied with wanting Scar alone tonight that I forgot about the other stuff. These are things a family should remember. Wow. I'm part of a real family. Not just the one I was born into but one that I chose. One that also chose me back. 

"Are you ok?" Scarlett nudges my side and squeezes my hand. We had been walking for a few minutes now and were getting closer to our first location of the day. Also, the most stressful location of the day. 

"Perfect." I smile down at her and my hand tightens around the box in my pocket. I'm not even proposing. Why am I so nervous?

"You look stressed." She kisses my shoulder and I can't help but smile even more. 

"I guess I'm worried that I made a mistake making plans for Rose to be with Robert." I explain and she sighs. 

"Y/N... The exact day for my birthday doesn't really matter. Plus, Rose never needs to get me anything. She'll be just as excited about tomorrow as she would have been today. I promise." She assures me and I nod a little. I wish I could say that helped though I think my fear might be from something else entirely. 

"Thanks." I mumble and she looks up to study me, with a question I can't answer, shining in her eyes. 

"Is there something else bothering you?" She voices her thoughts and I shake my head. 

"Just... cold." I offer and she bites at the inside of her cheek. 

"Well, you're the one who wanted to go for a walk." She teases and nudges my side. 

"Right." I chuckle and stuff my hands into my pockets and start to kick at the salt that covers the sidewalk. "I promise you that this will all be worth it." 

"I don't see how things can get too much better at this point. I mean, your gifts were fantastic." She wraps her arm around mine and huddles closer to me. 

"I think dessert will make today better." I remind her and she laughs. 

"You're right. How dare I forget such a thing." She rises onto the tips of her toes in order to press a gentle kiss to my cheek. "Though please don't think that's all I value from today." 

"Of course not. I understand your demands." I smirk and she laughs again. 

"You probably understand me too well." She adds. 

"The same goes for you. You know more about me then most." I respond and she smiles. 

"But not all?" She asks. 

"I don't think you can beat the woman who birthed me. She knows a bit more." I tease and she laughs again. I really should have my overall goal in life be to make this woman laugh. Since when she does, I become happy too. No matter what. 

By the time we got to the park, I was worse. If Scarlett had believed my cold statement she definitely thought something else was wrong at this point. She kept looking at me but she never asked if I was ok again. Which was nice, I didn't have enough excuses to keep going. 

Luckily when we found a bench to sit down on I was able to calm my nerves. Scarlett rested her head on my shoulder and we watched a few birds peck at the snow underneath our feet. 

"So are we just enjoying the view?" Scar asks after a few minutes of sitting in silence. 

"Do you like it?" I ask.

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