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I was awake the entire night. Maybe there was a second of sleep here and there but the second a bit of sunlight came into the room I was out of bed and trying to find ways to redeem myself. Scarlett was still gorgeously sprawled across the bed and I didn't dare wake her. My mind was still all caught up in what I had learned last night. I really had no idea how to fell as I searched around her house. I thought about going to grab Rose, she would be able to find a way to make her mom happy. But I decided against it for now, wanting to be able to beg for forgiveness without her around. 

I had gathered everything I could and was now kind of creepily watching her sleep. The way her hair spread out over the pillows and how her entire face seemed to be at peace. Though it broke my heart when I saw some of the dried tear tracks down her cheeks. I placed all of the items on the floor and crawled on top of her, burying myself into her chest and holding onto her body for dear life. 

"What are you doing?" She asks in her groggy morning voice. I don't answer, only nuzzle into her a bit more. "Your nose is tickling me." She lets out a happy giggle and I look up at her in surprise. 

"You're happy?" I ask quietly and she furrows her eyebrows in confusion. 

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm waking up with you being a little koloa bear." She wraps her arms around me and I smile. 

"But I was-" 

"You were being you. Trying to save the day. I understand... Let's not talk about this... ok?" She shifts her gaze away from me and I nod, leaning up to kiss her jaw. 

"I'm sorry." I mutter and she sighs. 

"Make it up to me with a cold glass of water. My head hurts." She complains and I instantly shift to get off of her. In my haste I completely tumble over the side and smash into the ground. 

"Shit." I mutter. 

"You ok?" Her head peeks over the side of the bed and she's trying to fight back a laugh.

"Yeah. Uh... That was- uhm-" 

"It was hilarious." She finishes before laughing.

"I was going to say embarrassing but glad you enjoyed it." I pull myself to my feet and she just smiles at me. 

"Maybe you shouldn't go down the stairs. You seem to be a hazard towards yourself." She states and I roll my eyes. 

"Then it's a good thing I don't have to." I crouch down and pick up a glass and two little Advil pills before handing them to her. "If you want these, they might help with the headache." Her eyes dart from my hand to my eyes and slowly pull my hand back. She looks worried about something. "If you... I found it in the medicine cabinet... above the sink. If you don't want them I'll get rid of them." 

"No. It's not that. Just... never mind. Give them to me." She holds out her hand and I place the two pills  against her palm. She studies me again as she pops them into her mouth then takes a long sip of water. 

"Scar... If there's something bothering you-" I start. 

"I'm fine. Thanks." She forces a smile and I kind of hover next to the bed, not knowing what to do. 

"I... uh made you some breakfast." I mutter and her face brightens a bit as I pick up the tray and place it on her lap. I then push her up so I can push a pillow behind her back and neck to prop her up.

When she notices that I'm still kind of just hovering around she moves the food to the side and grabs my wrists, pulling me on top of her. "You're amazing." She mutters before crashing her lips to mine. Her hands tangle into my hair, holding me as close as I can get as I shift to straddle her. She pulls away suddenly with a kind  of scared look on her face. "Uh... I didn't brush my teeth yet." 

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