Back on Set

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A week since Scarlett delivered the big news that she was ending things with Colin had passed, and as far as I knew she still hadn't done anything. It wasn't my place to make her do this quicker but I was starting to get worried she was backing out.

But I had my last two scenes to film today or at least start filming, we might have to finish tomorrow. When I pulled in it seemed I had gotten here before most of the rest of the cast so I went over to talk to some of the crew. 

Though it wasn't long until I heard the adorable little voice of Rose from behind me, "Y/N!" 

I spun around and beamed at her, "Hey, darling." 

"I get to watch you film today." She said while bouncing up and down. 

"You better give me some pointers." I crouch down to give her a high five. I stand up when Scarlett walks into the room and she comes over to pull me into a quick hug.

"Remember you can't touch anything." She says to Rose who nods quickly.

"I won't! Can I sit in your chair?" Rose asks. 

"Of course. I'll see you in a bit, Y/N." Scarlett says as s he walks away with her daughter. 

"So....?" Robert says from right behind me and I jump. 

"Really? Again?" I laugh and he puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"Look, I got like 10 minutes before I have to be over there in makeup. Give me the details." He begs. 

"Why don't you call me like a normal person? Plus there's nothing to tell. Now shoo." I push him backwards and he pouts as he walks away.

As soon as Robert had walked away, Jon appeared next to me. "Hey!" 

"Hey!" I answered as we shook hands. 

"You ready for an epic day?" He asked with a grin. 

"Yeah we got the whole fight thing happening right?" I ask. 

"Yup. Though we've thrown in another little surprise for you. Robert insisted we didn't tell you beforehand." Jon smiled at me. 

"Am I gonna be on the floor again? Because that wasn't fun." I cross my arms. 

He starts to walk away slowly, "Nope! See you on set." 

I roll my eyes as I head over to the make up and clothing side of the building and I'm met by Rose sitting in my seat. "Y/N! I wanna do your hair." 

I smile at her as my head make up artist, Teresa walks in. "How about another time? We can have a full on spa day." I offer, knowing we had a schedule to run. 

"Alright..." Rose frowns and I pick her up so I can sit down. 

"Why don't we watch Teresa do her magic though? She's incredible." I glance over at the tall red haired woman who smiles at me. 

"You flatter me. Now turn around so I can get started." She claps her hands together and I follow her instruction. She's really nice, when she's not doing her job that is. Rose stares at Teresa through the mirror throughout the whole process, with her mouth wide open. 

"I wanna do that when I'm older." Rose says when I stand up and put her down on the floor. 

"I could always use an extra hand, child." Teresa crouches down to give Rose a fist bump. 

"Really?" Rose asks.

"She does complain about how much work I take." I say, smirking at the two of them. 

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