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"You're certain Rose will be ok at my place?" I ask Scarlett as I get into my car. 

"Yes. We won't be long." She rolls her eyes at me as I look over my shoulder so I back out. 

"I'm just making sure. So, we're staying for the week, right?" I start to head down the street towards her house. 

"Yep. I won't need too much but I have to pack for Rose too." She settles into the seat a bit more and turns to look out the window. The closer we get the more she pulls into herself. 

"Where are your suitcases?" I ask as we near her home after about 10 minutes of silence. 

"In the guest room next to mine." She answers quickly. 

"I'll go first to make sure he's gone." I say to her as I pull up her driveway. 

"I don't like all this hiding. I'm going in if he's there or not." She demands and opens the car door. 

"Scarlett. He's hurt you. Get back in the car." I follow her and she turns to me. 

"Why do you even care? This is my life." She walks towards me and I sigh. 

"Because you're in an abuse relationship! I can't turn a blind eye." I fire back and she shrugs. 

"Fine. If he's not there come and get me so I can help you pack. Here's the key." She slams the car door as she sits back down. I send her a weak smile which she shrugs at as I head towards the door. 

I open the front door and quickly head towards the stairs. There was no other car in the driveway but he might be parked in the garage, who knows. Before I reach them I hear footsteps rushing down towards me and Colin freezes when he reaches the bottom step. "Y/N?" His hair is a mess and his shirt is untucked as he stands in front of me. 

"Hi. I'm here to grab some of Scarlett's things." I walk forwards but he doesn't move. 

"Why?" He glances up the stairs as he speaks. 

"Because we're leaving for-"

He cuts me off, "Oh! Right! She told me about that. Sadly I can't come because I had other things to do this week. Wouldn't it be better to come back with her though?" 

"She had to go in for an emergency back at set. This was the best time to come. I'll be quick." I shrug like this is normal.

"Ah... ok... sure... come up." He seems really off. When we get upstairs he pulls at the collar of his shirt as he looks at me. "Let me grab the suitcases. Then you can pack for Rose as I get Scarlett's things together." He dashes down the hall and I look around. Am I about to snoop? Yes I am.

I head to the door next to the one he just went into. I push it open a crack and peek in. The bed was a mess and I saw clothes tossed around the room. I pushed the door open the rest of the way and made eye contact with a dark haired woman wearing nothing as she lays on the bed. Her eyes widened as she looked at me and my jaw dropped. I should have just expected this if I'm being honest. 

"In case you weren't aware, that man is engaged." I say calmly to her as I watch her quickly run across the room to grab her clothes. What the hell was I going to say to Scarlett? I mean she was right down the hall. 

"I'm so sorry." The woman says as she tries to walk by me but I don't let her pass. 

"Oh. I'm not the person you should apologize to. Is this the first time you've slept with, Mr. Jost?" I lean on the doorframe, still blocking her exit. She shakes her head slowly and I bite the inside of my cheek. "How often does this happen?" 

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now