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Scarlett was pretty distant the entire morning. The second we got to set she was off filming a scene. I took this time to study the script for "The Party". When I was done reading I knew it was going to be interesting. But before I could even start thinking about how that would go down I was being dragged into a chair for some touch ups. 

Scarlett joined me a few minutes later and she refused to make eye contact but I put that down to possible nerves. I've kissed a lot of people for scenes, and yes the first time is normally nerve wracking but she was making me nervous with how she was acting. 

We finished getting dressed and we went to the large ballroom where the scene was taking place. We were both handed a glass of some kind of colored water, because we aren't supposed to be drinking real alcohol for each scene. Jon was directing the scene so as Scarlett and I leaned against the wall we waited for his sign.

When he told us to start I watched Scarlett take take a large sip of her drink and run her tongue across her lips. 

"We should get to know each other." I said while swirling my glass slightly.

"What do you want to know?" She smiled back at me and took a sip of her "wine". 

"Are you a lightweight?" I asked after taking another sip of my drink and then  I turned so I was facing her, head on.

"Not at all." She raised her eyebrows at me and I nodded. She then asked, "What about you?"

"I normally do well with drinks. Just needed to make sure you wouldn't throw up on me like my last date." I smiled. I then nodded my head towards her, "You're turn to ask."

"Alright... what do you think about me?" She took a large gulp of wine and closed her eyes.

"That's hard to answer seeing as I don't know you very well." I ran my fingers through my hair. I let out a soft humming sound as I waited for her response.

"Well that is the point of this little game. To get to know each other." She laughed and I nodded my head. Her laugh was beautiful. I found myself studying her a bit longer then I should have, good thing my character was also supposed to be madly attracted to Scarlett.

"Alright you win. When you first walked into my office I thought you wanted to kill me. Or at least cause great harm." I laughed again and she  put her head to the side and nodded. "But now I don't really know. You're a mystery Natalie."

"And a hard mystery to solve at that." She  grinned at me. I shook my head and chuckled.

"What do you do for a living?" I ask after I finished my glass of wine. "Not many people willingly ask to speak to my dad."

She laughed at that which caused me to smile at her. Why was this woman so attractive? "I'm a Notary." 

"Interesting..." I trailed off and she snapped her fingers in front of my face to make me look at her again. "Sorry!"

"No worries дорогой" I cocked my head at the Russian word. I didn't know she could do that perfect of a Russian accent.

"What did you say?" I asked and she smirked at me.

"Just a phrase that wouldn't make sense in English." She answered quickly and I just shrugged. 

"Why do you wear that ring?" She asked, pointing at the necklace around my neck. I moved my hand upwards to fiddle with it.

"An old friend gave it to me. I don't see him too much anymore but he used to keep me grounded and made me feel accepted even when I was the odd one out. I guess I wear it to remind me that I fit in somewhere even if I don't believe it." I answered and dropped my hand from the ring.

Scarlett Johansson - Where Do We Go From Here?Where stories live. Discover now