Worth It

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The walk was longer than I expected but there was still a little bit of light when I arrived where I wanted to be. Actually... I'd much rather still be at home with Rose and Scar but I honestly don't think I could handle that right now. I knocked on the door a few times and prayed she would answer the door. 

I heard footsteps and the door flung open so I had to take a step back. "Y/N?" Alyssa asks with wide eyes the second she sees me. She is busy trying to untie an apron but she kicks the door open a little wider with her foot before backing up. 

"Hi." I greet and step in before shutting and locking the door behind me. 

"Are you ok?" She asks and I shake my head a little. 

"I should have called ahead. I'm sorry for barging in." I say quickly and she rolls her eyes. 

"You know just as much as I do that you're family. You're welcome anytime. Even when we aren't home." She says and turns around with a huff. "Jonas tied it too tightly." 

"Is he trying to teach you to cook more than oatmeal again?" I tease as I reach for the knot to pull it apart. 

"I'm a good cook!" She defends. 

"You're ok." I give in and I finally get the knot loose enough to pull apart. 

"Y/N?" Jonas peeks his head into the entry hall from the kitchen. "I thought I heard your voice!" He takes a few large steps forward to hug me. 

"Hey!" I open my arms to accept the hug for a few seconds. 

"Last time we saw each other it was a bit rushed. How is Scarlett?" He asks as he rubs at the back of his neck.

"She's... she's over the whole thing in her drink," I say and he nods. 

"That's good. I still can't believe someone would ever think that was ok." Alyssa crosses her arms and I nod. 

"Robert did a good job apologizing afterward. There aren't hard feelings." I promise her and she purses her lips in distaste. 

"Think you can finish dinner without me, love?" Alyssa asks as she hands him her apron. "I have Best Friend business to deal with." 

"Of course. You're welcome to stay for dinner, Y/N. I'm making your favorite anyway." He makes a goofy face and I laugh. 

"I might just have to take you up on that." I pat his back as he turns to head back to where he came from.

"I assume you need to talk?" Alyssa asks. 

"That would be fantastic." I agree and she opens the door to her living room. She has a gas fireplace which she quickly turns on before pointing to the larger couch. 

"You get the couch with Maggie fur all over it." She decides before falling onto a large armchair. 

"Where is she?" I ask and Alyssa shrugs. 

"Jo! Where's Mags?" Alyssa shouts. 

"She's in here!" He answers and I hear him start talking in a higher-pitched voice for a few seconds before a brown and white cocker spaniel runs into the room. 

"Hello!" I crouch down and accept the hug that she gives as she stands on her back paws. 

"We just got her groomed so she's soft for once," Alyssa says and I rub at Maggie's back before getting on the couch and patting the spot next to me. She hops up easily and rests her head and front paws on my lap. "I love how you steal my dog from me every time." 

"She's always loved me more." I tease. 

"Even my bird likes you more." She agrees and I grin. 

"How is Thomas?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. 

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