Staying the Night

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When we got back I opened her door for her and she smirked at me. "What? I thought you said you wanted pampering, your highness." I bow slightly and she smacks my shoulder.

"You're an idiot." She says as she laces her fingers with mine. I smile down at our hands before raising them to my lips, pressing a kiss onto the back of her hand. A warm blush covers her face and she looks away. "Chris is still here." 

"Yup. Let's see what kind of mess they got themselves into." We walk inside, Scarlett dropping my hand once we open the door. 

Chris was laying on the floor and he looked beat, his eyes were half closed as Rose danced around him. "Mommy!" Rose runs over to Scarlett to hug her legs. 

"You alright there, bud?" I hold out a hand for Chris and help pull him to his feet. 

"See, most of the time I want kids. But that... that was hell." He mutters as he stands.

"You had fun. I know you did." I nudge his side as Rose runs over to us. 

"He gave me candy! A lot of candy! And we built the Lego together! Then we watched a movie!" She was jumping up and down and I saw Scarlett glare at Chris. 

"Evans... What did you do to my daughter?" She marched over and poked him in the chest. 

He raised his hands slowly, "She wanted candy. I can't say no to her. You know that!"

"Pushover." I mumble and he just shakes his head. 

"I can't argue with that." He shrugs. 

"Good. I'm taking Rose to bed." She stops by my shoulder, "You're staying right?" 

"I am kind of marooned... I let Alfred have the night off." I smile at her and she nods.

"Goodnight, Chris." She walks past him and he waves. 

The second they are up the stairs he turns to me, "Spill." 

"I'm not saying anything. Get out." I smile at him as his eyes narrow. 

"Come on! I spent like 3 hours with Rose for you." He pouts and I shake my head. 

"I think your son misses you. It's time to go home big guy." I pat his shoulder and push him towards the door. 

"Y/N." He draws out my name as he turns around to look at me. 

"Later. Go away. I love you but I need you out of this house." I push him again and he just rolls his eyes.

"I'm expecting a phone call tomorrow." He says as he backs out of the house. 

"We shall see. We have the first press meeting tomorrow. Bye." I wave as he shuts the door. I lean against it taking a breath as I try and process everything. 

"You look drained." Scarlett walks down the stairs and I grin at her. 

"Long day." I push myself off the door and she walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"I can describe how happy I am, Y/N." She looks up at me and I smile at her. 

"I think I understand... because I'm feeling the same way." I kiss her lips softly and she smiles, breaking the kiss.

"I will never get tired of that." She whispers and I pull her closer by her hips. 

"Good. Because neither will I." I peck her lips a few times and we just keep smiling at each other. 

"Come on." She grabs my hands walking backwards up the stairs. 

"Where are you taking me?" I ask as we continue to climb.

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