Finishing Up

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"You show up just to sit back and relax?" Robert runs over to me when I walk onto the set. 

"I couldn't miss last day!" I let him quickly pull me into a hug and then we head towards where he needs to be. 

"Well we all know we will be back here for those reshoots. There's always so many reshoots." He rolls his eyes and I laugh. "How's it feel to not be Ms. Main Character, working everyday?" 

"Low blow there mister." I nudge his side. "It feels good when I'm relaxing but then I get bored." 

"That sounds about right. Anyway I gotta go! Enjoy the show." He pats my shoulder as he jogs away from me. 

I find a seat so I can watch the current scene being done but get distracted by Scarlett who walks on set, looking badass like normal. I watch her up until the moment that Heidi walks over to me. "Long time no see." She says as she pulls a chair over to sit.

"Yeah. How's filming going?" I ask as I tear my eyes off of Scarlett. 

"Pretty well. You excited for it to be over with?" 

"Yeah... but also I love this cast. And also all the interviews." I roll my eyes. 

"That's the best part about my side, I don't have to attend." She smiles and I laugh. 

"Lucky you, huh? As long as I don't have to suffer in solo interviews I'll probably survive." I turn my head back to the scene when I hear Kevin stop them. He seems to be mad about something. 

"Guess you have to watch your spoilers pretty closely?" She draws my attention back. 

"Yeah. I'll just deny everything they throw at me. It's a great talent." I chuckle a bit as I look over at Kevin saying something to Scarlett. 

"You got any plans for the break between now and the release?" She asks. 

"Not really. Probably just working on my own films and Scar and I have set flimsy ideas in place." I shrug, still watching whatever is happening between Kevin and Scarlett. 

"That sounds entertaining. I was wondering if you wanted to hit the gym, see if you really could beat me?" She also turns to watch the argument go down. 

"That sounds great. Pass me your phone." I reach out and quickly add my number as a contact. 

"Thanks!" She sends me a quick text and I add her into my own phone. 

"Y/N!" Kevin calls out and my head snaps up towards him.

"Yeah?" I stand up and walk over to him when he beckons me over. 

He places a hand on my shoulder and turns us so our backs are to the others. He whispers in my ear, "What's going on?"

"What you mean?" I whisper back. 

"Between you and Scarlett." 

"Something's going on?" I ask, confused. 

"She keeps messing up the scene by looking over at you. I think you should leave for a bit. I don't mean to kick you off but we have to finish this." He glances over his shoulder as he speaks.

"Uh... yeah ok. That's fine. I'll go hang out in the trailer just in case you need anything." I offer and he nods. When we pull apart I see Scarlett watching me closely and I send her a small wave which she ignores. 

I speed walk back over to Heidi to grab my things. "What was that about?" 

"Apparently I'm a distraction. I have to get going, see you later." I'm a bit short because for some reason Scarlett is pissing me off. She's been tense towards me since the last time I was on set... which was awhile ago now. She wasn't just ignoring me in person she was also distant over text. I kept trying to figure out the plans for that trip but I wasn't even sure she wanted to do that anymore.

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