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Dinner was a lot less romantic than I had planned. The setting was beautiful, and the private corner table was as fancy as I could have hoped, but we were both too far gone. With the addition of a bottle of wine and delicious food, neither of us had our minds on enjoying our dinner. As hard as it was to get a reservation here, I couldn't care less. I would never admit it to her, but I wanted to be home just as badly as she did. 

Throughout our meal, her foot kept trailing up the inside of my leg. She would quirk her head to the side and smirk at me. The motions were subtle, but they had a purpose. Any willpower that I thought I had was instantly off the table with the looks she was giving me. 

Near the end of our meal, Scar took off, and I watched her head into the bathroom. Part of me already knew what she wanted. She wanted me to follow her. The other half of me was dim enough to believe she needed to use the bathroom before our walk home. I was dreading that walk. How much more teasing could she squeeze in before I finally had her back home... back home and laying in bed with her back arched into- No. I shook my head. I can't be doing this to myself right now. 

The waiter returned with our bill, so I slipped him my card so he could swipe it through his scanner. Once he was done, I waited a few more minutes for Scarlett's return. Though, of course, that never happened. I carefully removed the napkin from my lap and headed toward the bathroom. Seeing as this was a nicer restaurant, they also had nicer restrooms. Single stalls so there would be no one else waiting for me in there. Well, besides the seductress that is my girlfriend. 

As expected, the door was unlocked, and I was able to slip inside. I turned the knob and heard the click of the lock falling into place as my eyes landed on Scarlett. She was sitting on the counter with her eyes already locked on me.

"Took you long enough." She comments, her head shaking to the side, so her hair falls behind her shoulders. 

"I was waiting for you to come back," I admit, and she chuckles. 

"I can't wait anymore, Y/N." She hops off the counter and comes to stand in front of me. Just close enough for her breath was hitting the bare skin of my neck. 

"The walk is short." I manage, and she shakes her head. 

"Not short enough." Her hands move from her sides until she can tangle them into my hair. 

"You can't actually mean..." I trail off as I meet her gaze. Obviously this is what she actually wants. Her eyes show it all. I hope my eyes portray the same amount of love and need that I can see in hers, because for every ounce she has for me I have at least two for her. 

A/N Smut :) Enjoy...

Her lips easily meld into mine and I gasp into the kiss as she envelops me into her warm embrace. My back gently hits the wall before her hands slip back down my body. She rests them on my hips before her knee slips in between my legs. 

"Are you ok with this?" She whispers against my ear before lightly taking the lobe between her teeth. 

"Slap me if I ever say no." I breathe out in response which earns a small laugh from her beautiful lips. 

"Be careful with what you wish for." She answers and I feel a brief shiver go down my spine at her tone. 

She keeps working on my neck and I shift my head to the side so she has better access to any part of me she wants. With this new angle I find myself faced with a new problem, I was looking at myself. I made direct eye contact with myself in the large mirror covering the wall. 

I groan softly when I watch her slowly fall to her knees and her hands wrestle with my belt. She unloops it easily and snaps it against the floor which makes me flinch. I hadn't been expecting such a harsh sound but I never know what to expect when Scar is involved. She drags my pants down slowly and makes sure her fingers are also looped around my underwear. 

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