Big Breakfast

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I slept for probably about an hour before I woke up. Scarlett had her head on my chest and I smiled at how peaceful she looked. Her arm was wrapped around me and her hand held onto mine tightly. Though now the problem of getting up came about. She wanted breakfast and I was stuck underneath her. This was going to be a puzzle. 

I gently moved her arm and when she didn't make any sounds I took that as a good sign. I suddenly had a memory of my dad come back. Maybe it was because I had to think about him yesterday after running into his girlfriend, but it was a happy memory. I used to be so terrified of the dark that I would end up sleeping between my parents most of the time. My mom always woke up first, she was a real morning person. My dad was not. He would sleep into noon unless he had work. But whenever I woke up he always had his arm over me and he would groan if I tried to leave. I smiled to myself as I thought about all the creative ways I would sneak out of the bed and make him think I was still there. 

What had happened to him? He was a good person. At least younger me thought so. I sighed as I stared at the ceiling. Maybe I should talk to him. Give him a chance. But does he deserve another chance? He's had so many. Whenever I think of him I'm surprised by how many good memories I have. Perhaps I was just too young and naïve to know who he truly was. But there had to have been a time when he was a good person. Why else would my mom have fallen for him? When she talks about when they met it sounded like they were really in love. And then everything fell apart and nothing was ever the same. 

The longer I lay here the more conflicted I feel. So I turn my attention back to trying to escape Scarlett's arms. I gently hold her head up as I move my body. I place a pillow where I was and she moves a little bit but she doesn't wake up. Before I head downstairs I quickly change my clothes and clean up the toys in the bathroom. I tuck Scarlett in a little better before I slip out the door and down the stairs. 

If she wants a big breakfast she's getting a big breakfast. I pull out anything that could resemble a breakfast food and start the stove. Once I have things going I call Ryan and place him on speaker so I can keep cooking. 

After a few rings, he answers, "Y/N! What a lovely surprise." 

"Hey! Is this a bad time?" I ask. 

"I'm not doing anything. What's up?" He asks and I glance at my phone when it makes a new ringing sound. He's face timing me? I reach over and answer it before propping my phone up so I can see him. 

"Making food," I answer and he smiles. 

"I would love to break in right now. I can almost smell." He says and I laugh.

"I had a wedding question," I say and he nods. 

"Go on. It's getting closer so I'm getting stressed." He says and I laugh a little. 

"I couldn't imagine," I say and he turns the camera around to show up a bunch of papers across his table. 

"Blake has insisted that we double-check everything. Seeing how much there is left to do is starting to freak me out." He turns the camera back to his face as he sits down. 

"Luckily I've never had to plan a wedding before. I just have to show up and eat food." I tease and he laughs. 

"I got us off topic. What was your question?" He asks and I sigh as I stop flipping pancakes. 

"You said I could bring someone, correct?" I ask. 

"Of course!" He answers and I glance up at him. 

"This is about to get really awkward. Are you ready?" I ask and he narrows his eyes a little. 

"What kind of awkward...?" He asks back and I shrug. 

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