Shield and Jimmy Kimmel

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When I walked in the front door, Dodger was instantly at my feet. I leaned down to scratch behind his ears and I looked up to see Chris in the kitchen. He was washing the dishes I had left in the sink. "You didn't have to do that." 

"It's fine. You had a busy day today." He puts the last plate back and washes his hands. 

"Still... it was my mess." I pout and walk over to give him a hug. 

"Don't worry about it. How was your day?" We move to sit on the couch and Dodger jumps up to lean his head on his dads lap. 

"It was great! I found out what you meant by close. That was an interesting moment." I lean over to play with Dodger's ears. 

"I think you two will make a great pair." He winks at me. 

"Why the fuck is my boyfriend trying to set me up with his best friend?" I smack his arm as I ask. 

"Because..." He trails off and I watch him. "I wasn't." He changes his mind. 

"Alright." We sit in silence for a bit. 

"I have that gift for you." He breaks the tension and stands up to grab a large box. He wrapped it with Captain America wrapping paper and I smile. 

"What's the occasion?" I ask as he places it on my lap. 

"I've been trying to get you one for awhile. I finally worked my magic well enough." He watches me intently as I start to tear the wrapping paper off. He kindly becomes my human trash can as I put all the torn wrapping onto his lap. 

"Chris... this is too much." I pull out the present and I look over to see him beaming at me. Inside the box was a full sized Captain America shield. 

"Its from set." He adds and that makes it so much better. 

"Really?" I ask quickly and he nods. 

"I know you're a huge Marvel fan. You deserve it." He smiles at me and I launch myself at him to pull him into a bear hug. 

"Thank you so much." I hold him tighter and he chuckles. 

"Anytime." He rubs my back as I release him and sit back a bit. I sit there, studying his face. He looks away and I back off completely. One of us has to make the first move here but I'm too damn scared. Perhaps I should talk to someone. Get their opinion on everything. 

"What are you doing tonight?" I turn to Chris. 

"I have an interview with Kimmel. Want to come? I'm sure he'd let you out on stage." He stands up and throws the wrapping paper away. 

"I'll come. Though I won't intrude on your spotlight." I head into the bedroom to grab a change of clothes. 

"It would be great! Just remember, no spoiling anything." He says from the doorway. 

"I won't! I'm good at not spilling." I glare at him and he shakes his head as he picks out his suit. 

"Sure." He responds lightly and I shoot him a glare. 

We both change into our fancier outfits for the evening and when we reach the door he holds out his arm. I wrap my arm around his and we are on our way to yet another interview. 

When we pull up the entrance is surprisingly calm. There are normally a lot more people trying to get photos of which ever celebrity is making an appearance. I've gotten good at following a patter, look to the left, to the right, straight ahead, repeat but with a smile. I switch between different expressions and block out what they are yelling at us. Chris has his had firmly on the small of my back as he pushes me forwards. I appreciate the gesture, walking through paparazzi by yourself is never fun.

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