Chapter 001

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Chapter 1 - Resurrection

“Aunt Lin, Aunt Lin, wait! You forgot to take your cell phone!”

“Aunt Lin! Your phone!”

A 20-year-old lame young man shouted while he chased a middle aged woman across the road under the scorching sun.

However, the woman appeared to be in a hurry, and didn’t seem to hear his voice at all. She got on the bus and disappeared into the distance in a flash.

The young man couldn’t catch up. He gasped for air, and stopped at the side of the road. He stared at the cell phone that didn’t belong to him. Sigh. He used it as a fan and flapped it several times to cool himself. Then, he went back to the Buddhist shop across the road.

His limp right leg seemed a bit heavy when he walked, so when a truck that broke the traffic rules suddenly rushed towards him, he failed to avoid it in time. He only heard a loud “bang” sound, and the noise around him disappeared, as if he had pressed the pause key.


Le Yao suddenly woke up.

He was surrounded by darkness. There were no street lights, no buildings, no cars and no people. He felt some wetness under his buttocks, it seemed like he was sitting on grass. It was quiet, cold, and the rustle of leaves driven by the wind made him feel disorientated, as he discovered himself plunged into this thick forest. He was alone, like a dying old man hanging on with his last breath.

All the hair on Le Yao’s body suddenly stood up. He quickly touched his pocket, trying to find something to light his surroundings.

But he found nothing.

He had always been brave enough to avoid being afraid of strange things. He wanted to shout for help, but not far away from him, he heard a ‘whine’ of an unknown beast, which tensed his nerves to the extreme.

Cold sweat trickled down his forehead. He tried hard to calm down, whilst biting his fingers.

A few drops of blood appeared from the bite, when suddenly there was a shout in front, “I smell it! Over there!”

Then, someone said, “Alphas, stand by! Let’s go and have a look!”

“Yes!” a group of people shouted back.

It was a strange language, yet Le Yao could understand it. This unknown familiarity raised the tension in his heart.

But what was an Alpha?

Hearing the footsteps come closer, Le Yao suddenly felt a needle-sharp pain in his brain. Because of this pain, many unfamiliar memories flooded into his mind. He couldn’t help but squat down with his head in his arms. His mind was about to explode.

“Third Young Master, you can really run away.” At this time, a pair of army boots appeared in front of him. The owner of the boots pointed a flashlight at his face, and with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, he said, “You know that you can’t escape, so aren’t you tired of running?”

“You…” Le Yao looked up. “What did you just call me?”

“I said, Third Young Master, why are you pretending? Did you forget the trouble you have caused?” The man said, “Tsk, we have been looking for you all night!”

“…” Le Yao subconsciously got up and took a few steps back.

This was not right. Even if his head was extremely hurt right now, he felt something was really wrong here. How could he have become their Third Young Master? Moreover, he had been born disabled, and now he didn't even walk with a limp. Why did he have a stranger's body and memory?

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