Chapter 084

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Chapter 084 - Twitching In The Right Eye

If it hadn’t been related to the subject of network security, Yan Jie would definitely have fought with Xu Yao, because he didn’t want to become Yang Hengtian’s assistant at all. Even though he knew in his heart that, within the entire Flying Wolf Division, he was the most suitable person to assist him, he would still feel extremely embarrassed whenever they were together. He even regretted that he hadn’t decided to stay in Tarot with Uncle Ming. Even though he wanted to return to the military base in Huaxia, he wouldn’t have to face a certain man every day if he had stayed in Tarot. Uncle Ming’s task was also very important and he would certainly be of use there as well.

Moreover, Le Tianyu would be returning to Tarot soon.

Le Tianyu still hadn’t returned to the Le Family’s house while they were in Xingdu, and it left them wondering about Le Feishan’s real intentions. Perhaps, their being in Tarot made Le Feishan feel insecure, so he didn’t let Le Tianyu come back. Now that they had left, it was estimated that it wouldn’t be long before Le Tianyu returned.

In fact, Le Tianyu’s face transplant had been completed on the sixth day of his arrival at Blood Prison. It took around half a month for Le Tianyu to recover. At present, he was in a good condition. The plastic surgeon had changed Le Tianyu’s face into that of a prison guard’s, so Le Tianyu now seemed completely different, aside from his height.

Even his temper had become much worse than before. Although, he originally wasn’t good-tempered either, at the very least he would pretend, unlike now, where just a single word could make him angry.

In the beginning, Le Tianyu didn’t understand why Zhao You didn’t allow him to get in touch with his family after being taken to Blood Prison. On top of this, he even let a strange doctor change his face and also forced someone to mark him. But now, he knew the reason for all this. It was because he was Le Feishan’s biological son!

The truth which would have originally pleased him now seemed like nothing! Even if Le Tianyu knew that he was Le Feishan’s biological son, he could never expose this matter. Otherwise, once the Military Discipline Department discovered that he was the product of an extramarital affair, let alone the misfortune that would befall his father, even his mother, and the whole Jiang Family would suffer together with him, which was definitely not something that he wanted to see.

“Don’t worry, I know what can and can’t be said.” Le Tianyu looked at Zhao You angrily. Zhao You had been the only one to protect him after the ‘accident’ and until they reached Blood Prison, and they had been together ever since. But, maybe it was because of their personality or some other factors, they were always in a state of discomfort.

“I know that you’re aware of the situation. In addition, you should be kind to Colonel Wan in the future. After all, he’s your future husband. You are able to return alive this time thanks to the help of the Wan Family.”

“I know that! You don’t have to remind me again and again!” Le Tianyu kicked the coffee table and walked towards the bedroom.

Wan Deqing was the son of the Chief Warden of Blood Prison, and was the one who had forcibly marked Le Tianyu. Forced by instinct, he would always be influenced by Wan Deqing after being marked, but he didn’t really like this person at all. A person in-charge of escorting prisoners had actually forced a mark on him, just thinking about it made him miserable. Why was Le Yao able to marry such an excellent man, whereas he had to secretly marry a man who had no future prospects?

Nevertheless, it was useless to say anything now. He was like a chess piece. His next move would simply awaited his master’s command.

Every time Le Tianyu thought back on the sequence of events that took place after he departed from Tarot, he felt like he was in a dream, no, a nightmare. Outsiders thought he was dead, but he was just as alive as anybody else. In the future, he would never be able to return as Le Tianyu, nor would he be able to greet his mother in a legitimate form of address.

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