Chapter 066

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Chapter 066 - A Sign from Heaven

What do you think about this? It’s impossible!

Le Yao hadn’t heard of anyone like him in his entire life! There was no way a talisman could be effective without God’s help. Could Xu Yao really do it that easily? Casually drawing some talismans which were effective and worked all night just like the ones he drew did…

Le Yao felt like he had been hit by a fatal blow!

Of course, this situation was beneficial for Le Yao. From now on, he was no longer the only person who could draw talismans, so it would save him a lot of trouble in the future. If it was another person who had learnt this skill, he might’ve needed to worry about whether or not his position would be threatened, or whether it would even be dangerous for them. However, Xu Yao was the closest person to him in the world, and more importantly, he was his husband. With him having acquired this skill, it was better than anything else.

“Husband, then in the future, I really don’t need to draw Tianyan talismans, right?” As soon as Le Yao thought about this, he realised he could concentrate on other things. Anyways, it took him too much energy to draw the Tianyan talisman. 

It’s better not to draw it!

“Un. There’s no need to draw it anymore. Now, you can have more time to rest, play, eat or even do something else. But, to tell you the truth, we may need to go back to Xingdu in a few days.”

“Go back to Xingdu?” Le Yao was slightly confused, “Why do you want to go back to Xingdu all of a sudden?”

“The Emperor and Empress want to see you.” Xu Yao continued, “The Empress had actually wanted to see you right before you got your estrus period, but you suddenly entered estrus on the same day. Thus, this matter was delayed, and since we were then surprised by your pregnancy, I never told you about this matter. I asked President Liu today, and he said that as long as you are careful, it will be alright. Including…” Xu Yao smiled meaningfully.

“Don’t say it!” As soon as Le Yao thought about the punishment from losing the bet where he would be eaten again, he became speechless and his face burned!

This old rouge is going to be a father soon and is still so perverted, humph!

Le Yao quickly looked around and saw that there were no soldiers nor any undead, and was relieved.

Naturally, Xu Yao knew that Le Yao was willing to go and that everything would be alright. So, he didn’t probe about losing the bet anymore. He dealt with the matter of his guards and then took his wife back to walk together to their house.

He felt that Le Yao’s whole body was like fire, hot and enthralling. The fire burnt fiercely, until both men had finished their breathless activities.

Le Yao stretched out his body, lay on the bed with a visible ‘bulging’ stomach, and slowly recovered his breath. “Husband, I think I’ve received some benefits from these three little guys.”

Xu Yao’s hand slowly caressed Le Yao’s stomach. “What’s the benefit?”

“You are so gentle, it’s so comfortable~” said Le Yao with a smile.

Xu Yao: “…”

Le Yao didn’t hear any reply for some time. He turned his head and stroked Xu Yao’s abdominal muscles, “Husband, I praised you, why are you not talking?”

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