Chapter 091

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Chapter 091 - Giving Birth!

The warm light gently enveloped Le Yao’s abdomen, acting like some kind of protective healing energy. President Liu then asked Xu Yao, “General, what is inside the little rabbit doll?”

“Good Fortune Talismans, why do you ask?”

Instead of answering Xu Yao’s question, President Liu turned to his assistant. “Xiao Chen, check Mr Xiao Le again to see if the children’s membranes are showing any signs of recovery.”

Previously, they had planned to perform a surgery because the membranes had ruptured and a natural childbirth could no longer be performed. But now, it seemed that the gentle light was repairing those membranes.

Dr Chen quickly re-scanned Le Yao’s abdomen. He was worried that the inspection would get affected by the light from the talismans, but the result obtained was clearer than ever before.

“President, the fetal membranes have not been repaired, and one of the children is showing signs of hypoxia.” Dr Chen continued, “What should we do now?”

“Prepare for surgery immediately!” President Liu ordered, “Adjust the temperature of the intelligent incubator to emulate that of the womb and send them in immediately after the children come out.”

“Liu… President Liu… isn’t it too-too… early?” Le Yao felt tremendous pain in his stomach, he felt as if something was trying to tear him apart from the inside. He had awoken once the light of the Good Fortune Talismans had surrounded him, but he was in so much pain that he couldn’t speak at all.

However, the current situation was really much too terrifying. The children were too small. Even a child carried for little more than five months on a singular pregnancy wouldn’t develop well, let alone the fact that he was carrying three.

Three children were being provided sustenance through him alone.

Is that the same as giving nutrition one-on-one? Of course not!

“Please rest assured, we will do our best.” After speaking, President Liu signaled the anesthesiologist and nurse to prepare for the required pre-operative work.

Le Yao turned his head towards Xu Yao.

Xu Yao had been holding Le Yao’s hand this entire time. Sensing his gaze, he bent down and pressed his forehead against Le Yao’s.

“Don’t be afraid, you and the little guys will be fine, I promise you.”

Le Yao wanted to nod, but a sudden drowsiness struck him, and his vision faded into darkness.

Xu Yao felt as if his heart had been savagely gouged out. He used all his willpower to remove Le Yao’s hand from his palm, and eventually turned to President Liu and gravely stated a single sentence, “President Liu, you must ensure their safety.”

“You want to go outside?” President Liu instantly understood Xu Yao’s intentions.

“Report any problems immediately.” Leaving only those words, Xu Yao walked out from the operating theatre.

As soon as Wan Deqing confirmed that Le Yao had been rescued by Xu Yao, he immediately withdrew his team from Huaxia. His collaborators, the teams from Sarna, also withdrew and then sent more than half of their force as reinforcements for the attack on Vodapei.

They knew clearly that if they were to lose this battle again for the second time, they wouldn’t be able to recover from such a loss within eight or even ten years in the future.

So this time, even if they couldn’t grasp Huaxia into their hands, they had to strive to occupy the mining planet, Vodapei.

This withdrawal of the enemy from Huaxia meant that the soldiers currently defending Vodapei still needed help.

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