Chapter 038

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Chapter 038 - An Undead Legion

“That year the General was four years old,” said Uncle Ming. “The Old General served as the Division Commander of the 12th Army Skyhawk Division. I was his guard. At that time, the Old General was stationed on Planet Tieta. Once, there was a rare vacation and I was able to go home. He also said that he had finished his work early in order to spend time with his wife and child. We returned to Xingdu, and he took the Old Madam and General to play.”

“Have you heard of Xianai Town, Mr Xiao Le? It is the Old Madam’s hometown. In fact, the General’s grandfather and grandmother were no longer there at that time. They went back to let the General see where his mother had grown up. But who could have thought that they would be caught in a sudden earthquake in the town. In the morning of that unfortunate day, the three of them had decided to go to the school to visit one of their old teachers. But later, I only saw a ruined school. They…” Uncle Ming said the last word very lightly, as if nothing had truly happened, as long as he kept it to himself.

“Some students told me that the Old General and the Old Madam were still able to run away at that time, but they stayed behind in order to save people.”

“I didn’t dare tell the General about this matter, but even at that time when he was still a child, he was very clever and not easy to trick. Before we left the town, he already knew from others’ lips about the real events that took place. The rescue was still underway, and the General squatted in a forest not far from the school and waited. He waited until all rescue work was completed.”

“Did you not let him see his parents for the last time?” Le Yao asked.

“No,” said Uncle Ming. “He was too young. The psychologist didn’t recommend it.”

Le Yao vaguely guessed the reason for that, but he didn’t know what to say next.

All of a sudden, he thought of Xu Yao’s wall painting in his house in Xingdu. The painting was a night forest, dark and gloomy, and invoked a mood similar to despair at a glance.

At that time, he had wondered why Xu Yao had put up that kind of a painting. Now, he seemed to know the reason.

Le Yao pondered over whether or not heroic spirit could be passed down through genes. Because, as a soldier, Xu Yao was really outstanding, and it must be similar to his parents.

“Mr Xiao Le, Mr Xiao Le?” Uncle Ming called him twice.

“Ah? What’s the matter, Uncle Ming?”

“You should be careful while cutting vegetables,” Uncle Ming said, “How could you let your mind wander while you have a knife in your hand? At this stage, bleeding is no joke.”

“Ah, right. I was just in a bit of a trance,” Le Yao coughed a little. Seeing that Uncle Ming’s eyes were moist, he quickly diverted the topic and said, “By the way, Uncle Ming, would you like to join us for dinner tonight? I’m going to make a lot of delicious food.”

“Thank you, Mr Xiao Le, but I can’t join you today. We’ll set off to Vodapei the day after tomorrow, so I have some matters to attend to later. Let’s eat a meal together another day, after all, there will be plenty more opportunities in the future.”

“Then… alright. Thank you for helping me today, Uncle Ming.” Le Yao then handed some of his homemade fish balls to Uncle Ming, “Here, you can try this. I made some fish balls with a 650,000 yuan fish.”

“Six hundred and fifty thousand yuan?” Uncle Ming whispered, “Which fish is so expensive?”

“That’s the fish.” Le Yao pointed to the leftover fish, “The General said it was worth 650,000 yuan. The first time I used it to cook dinner, I didn’t even dare to put any seasoning.”

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