Chapter 043

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Chapter 043 - An Unexpected Call

“We can start from the hospital and check the information on their database. If that’s not enough, then we can go to our division soldiers directly and see what we can find out from them. In addition, let the cafeteria manufacture more incense, just like yesterday,” said Xu Yao to Yan Jie.

“Got it, Brother Xu. Should we buy two more large intelligent chefs? Otherwise, the daily cycle of making incense will definitely affect our living soldiers’ diet.”

“The chefs have already been ordered via delivery. They should reach us soon.”

Xu Yao had not only bought large-scale intelligent chefs, but he also bought a lot of pulp, cardboard, edible glue powder, various spices and so on. Anyway, he had bought a lot of things which Le Yao could send to the Underworld. Le Yao had said that people could be reborn after death. But at present, since these soldiers couldn’t reincarnate, he should at least create a better ‘living environment’ for them. Xu Yao felt that it was a reasonable proposition, and naturally gave him his full support.

Le Yao had slept for less than six hours before he woke up instinctively again. He got up and felt a little bit bewildered. He went to wash his face, then sat down on the chair in the dining room, still in a daze.

For the past two days, he couldn’t even care about cooking. Most of the time, Xu Yao’s sub-ordinate had brought them food from the cafeteria. Suddenly, Xu Yao stuffed a bun into his mouth. Le Yao took a silent bite, still lost in a daze.

“After eating, just go back to sleep again. You haven’t slept much in the past two days,” said Xu Yao. “A little white rabbit doesn’t need dark circles under his eyes.”

“You are the rabbit!”

After a moment of thought, Le Yao added, “Ah! Husband, is there anyone in our division who can sketch architectural designs?”

“There are many who can, but it depends on what kind of design you want,” replied Xu Yao.

“I want to design a prison. The type that prevents orcs from escaping,” said Le Yao. “I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I remember that there is not much of this sort of thing in the template. Also, it would be good if the person could design it like a metal cage. There are metal cages available in the templates, but those are just superficial. These kind of things, if they were burned to the Underworld, will be just for show.”

Le Yao remembered that in his last life, he had encountered two particularly funny examples of useless props sent to the Underworld:

One example was an old man, who had died in the late 1990s, and liked watching TV very much. His son was very filial. Knowing that his father had liked to watch TV throughout his lifetime, he found someone to burn a paper TV. The old man received the TV happily. It worked, and broadcasted the show ‘Journey to the West’, so he watched it with interest. Afterwards, maybe the old man wanted to watch something else, but he couldn’t adjust the channels on the TV at all. No matter how many times he switched frequencies, the only show broadcasted on that TV was ‘Journey to the West’. It turned out that the TV screen his son had looked for someone to make had the the pictorial of ‘Journey to the West’ painted on its screen, so the TV could only broadcast this show all day long.

Another example was that of an old lady who had been particularly wealthy during her lifetime. After her death, her grandson honored her with a bank card worth 100 billion yuan, saying that he wanted the elder to spend and enjoy as much as she liked in the Underworld. But, she had never been able to spend the money, because there was no ATM, or even a bank in Underworld.

The Underworld only recognized ingots and copper coins, i.e. a kind of yellow paper with holes in the middle. Each time someone burned copper coin shaped paper together with incense, the incense would act like the string through which the copper coins would pass. As for the paper money that was printed in an imitation of RMB, it was considered as waste paper in the Underworld.

Le Yao was very particular about what to burn and how to burn it. Although it seemed that the order of the Underworld had been disrupted for some reason, these basic rules had not changed.

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