Chapter 032

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Chapter 032 - Tit for Tat

At present, Le Yao’s idea was simple and even a little bit amazing. Duty with dead soldiers. The problem was how they would manage them when they didn’t exactly know the number of ‘people’ who were on duty, and how ‘they’ would correctly report to their superiors when ‘they’ discovered any enemy. Currently, the only one who could see them was Le Yao. What about the others? No one could see them in the evening, and it took a lot of energy to draw the Tianyang talisman so Le Yao couldn’t draw too many talismans each day.

But Le Yao’s idea was still worthy of respect.

Xu Yao hadn’t expected that there was such a warm love within Le Yao’s soft shell. Le Yao was not that kind to everyone. He was fierce towards Jiang Xinduo and Le Tianyu. But to those who were good to him, he showered them with kindness overflowing with warmth.

“It will not be easy to manage them for a long time. If you really want to have dead soldiers on duty, there will be a lot to do in the future,” Xu Yao rubbed Le Yao’s hair and in a rare serious tone said, “Do you still want to manage them?”

“Yes.” Le Yao said, “It won’t be as long-term as you think, but still, wouldn’t it be good for me to do what I can? For example, they can help set up a patrol, and lower the temperature or something. As you should know by now, where there are dead spirits, people will feel a cool breeze. If the temperature becomes very high for a period of time, just put a dead spirit beside the soldier on duty outside. I promise they won’t feel particularly hot.”

“First of all, I will have to make sure that the soldier doesn’t faint from fear.” Xu Yao continued with a smile, “Let’s go. Let’s not talk about this. I’ll show you something fun.”

“What is it?”

Xu Yao didn’t answer the query.

Xu Yao and Le Yao took an aircraft and flew southeast for about 25 minutes, where they hovered over a cluster of protruding rocks. There was no light in the area, so Le Yao relied on the lighting provided by the hover car to look at the stone surfaces below.

At that moment, all they could hear was the sound of waves beating against the rocks. It was warm and cozy inside, but it was a little scary to see the outside. Le Yao couldn’t swim, so he got scared every time he saw the sea.

In his last life, because of his legs, it was inconvenient to participate in sports, thus he was unable to learn how to swim. Moreover, the original body also had some bad memories of water, hence he also did not learn how to swim.

Needless to say, Xu Yao must have been able to swim, as he seemed to be familiar with this kind of environment. He found a relatively flat stone, jumped onto it, reached a hand out to Le Yao and said, “Come here.”

Le Yao refused.

It was not fun at all! It was dark and scary!

There was the sound of surging waves all around them. If he fell from this ten thousand feet high rock, Ji Fengyu’s house would never be replaced in this life.

Xu Yao asked with a smile, “What are you afraid of when your husband is here?”

Le Yao’s reply: “Do you still need to ask? It’s too dangerous.”

If there was a big wave, it could easily sweep people away. Le Yao felt a little flustered as he looked down. The main reason was that although the stone selected by Xu Yao was bigger and flatter than the others, it was still not large enough for the two of them, and also looked like an awl. Even Xu Yao’s feet were not stable standing on it.

“The fun thing is near the base of the rocks, you can’t see it without coming down,” said Xu Yao.

When Le Yao looked at the place where Xu Yao had pointed to, he saw that it was all black, and that he could only vaguely see a heap of rocks, more in number than that on the other side.

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