Chapter 092

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Chapter 092 - The Origin Of An Extraordinary Man

The numerous undead who were kneeling weren’t those belonging to the Flying Wolf Division. From their clothes and appearance, it could be seen that they came from various dynasties; both men and women, old and young were present.

They prostrated before the hospital, while the undead Flying Wolf soldiers stood behind them, thereby forming two distinct rings with the hospital in the center. Due to the fact that all of the prostrating undead appeared to be ordinary civilians with no intentions of attacking, the undead soldiers didn’t have the heart to drive them away.

Some of the undead soldiers even approached these undead, who were kowtowing, to make enquiries for the reasoning behind their actions with their unskilled usage of the Chinese language.

These undead unanimously answered, “Naturally, we are bowing to Yan Jun! What are you waiting for? Come, we should all pay our respects to Yan Jun!”

The Flying Wolf undead: “…”

We don’t understand your words.

What are you kneeling for?

None of our leaders will let us kneel.

Such thoughts were running rampant in the heads of the undead Flying Wolf soldiers just before they realised that Xu Yao was coming here. To their surprise, when Xu Yao exited his mecha, the prostrating undead turned their heads and then continued to kneel, but this time, all of them were facing Xu Yao!

“Paying our respects to Yan Jun~” The vast number of undead kowtowed with great momentum, shocking all the bystanders to the extent of feeling goosebumps!

At this moment, the rune on Xu Yao’s left hand suddenly released a strong golden light, and in an unconscious movement, he gently raised his hand. In a span of two or three seconds, with this simple action, a magnificent golden light started to illuminate the hospital, making it look just like it was in daylight.

“General..?” The undead from the Flying Wolf Division felt a bit muddled. Although they had seen a lot of strange things since the time they died and became undead, they really didn’t expect their General to be the subject of worship for such a large number prostrating undead! Wouldn’t this make him the equivalent of ‘a big brother‘ in the Underworld?!

“Be quiet. Don’t disturb my wife’s rest.” Xu Yao’s deep and powerful voice resounded throughout the surroundings before he entered the hospital building. The kneeling undead then voluntarily retreated ten meters away from the hospital.

The undead Flying Wolf soldiers: “…”

Some curious soldiers turned towards those undead who were dressed in a style of clothes similar to theirs and asked them a few more questions. “What were you kneeling for before the return of our General?”

The undead replied, “Naturally, we were kowtowing to the Yan Wang seal. It’s located there. Can’t you see it?”

The undead then pointed towards a certain spot in the hospital, where a golden light, in the shape of a rune, was shining. “The Yan Wang seal is our Yan Jun’s official seal. Seeing the seal is equal to seeing the King, so naturally we must pay our respects.”

The Flying Wolf undead asked again, “Why is it you that have to kneel?”

The people tilted their heads and looked at the undead Flying Wolf soldiers as if they were saying: Are you stupid or what?

Taking pity on them, an undead brother slowly explained it to undead Flying Wolf soldiers, “Yan Jun is the Underworld’s Fifth Palace’s Yan Luo Tianzi. His position is the same as an Emperor of the living world. Don’t you kneel before your Emperor?”

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