Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 - Extra 1: Yan Jie — Yang Hengtian ( End )

One day, Le Yao asked Yan Jie about his marriage proposal, “Then you agreed?”

“Otherwise?” Yan Jie was now more open about his love life, especially when discussing with Le Yao, than he had been at the beginning. He smiled as he ate the homemade snacks that had been prepared by Le Yao.

“My character might be a bit strange sometimes, but I still know what I really want in my heart. In fact, he asked me once before, the time when you sent me to the Yang family’s house, but I thought it was too sudden, so I told him that I would think about it at that time.”

“You didn’t expect him to come back so soon, did you?” Le Yao asked with a smile. “I also heard this from your Brother Xu, that you will hold the wedding in a few months?”

“Well, it’s still three months away. By that time, everything here will have stabilized, so I intend to take a long vacation,” Yan Jie replied.

In fact, Xu Yao had already approved his marriage application that very day, after Yang Hengtian had successfully proposed to him, but it was just that he and Yang Hengtian had yet to complete the registration.

Regardless of who the individuals undergoing the marriage registration procedure were, they would need to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to submit the form, which was in Tarot. It would take them six or seven days by spaceship just to arrive. Furthermore, the actual procedures and then also returning back to Huaxia meant that the whole thing would take quite a lot of time.

Ever since the proposal, Yan Jie would have a ‘private meeting’ with Yang Hengtian at night, from time to time. It was rather convenient as he could simply ask Xu Yao or Le Yao to provide their teleportation services each time they missed each other too much, and no one would notice.

But this wouldn’t be a viable method if they wanted to apply for the registration of their marriage. It was easy to be doubted if they appeared at such a place after only having spent such a short amount of time together, so they decided to wait until the majority of the work required for the Flying Wolf Division’s Second Station and their reconstruction project was completed.

He had been single for more than 20 years. How could he be so anxious from waiting when it was only a few months away?

So pitiful!

At first, he hadn’t been thinking about marriage at all, but after the matter was mentioned and settled, he was yearning to welcome a married life faster. Just the thought of leaving his own special mark on the person he liked legally and openly was too satisfying to ignore.

With Yang Hengtian’s display of courtship that night and Yan Jie’s reaction to it, it was no surprise that all the Flying Wolf soldiers knew about the relationship between them.

Sometimes, when they walked together on the grounds, someone would ask, “Officer Yan, is this your boyfriend?”

Upon hearing that question, Yan Jie would always feel a strange bubbling sensation rise in his heart, and then he would smile and hum in affirmation. When he smiled, Yang Hengtian would laugh with him. This kind of happiness seemed to be contagious. Unconsciously, he felt that this sort of life was very happy and wonderful.

“Hello! Brother Yan?” Le Yao waved a hand in front of Yan Jie’s eyes. “What are you thinking about ah? You’re showing a face full of spring!”

“Cough! It’s nothing.” Yan Jie readjusted his sitting position. “What did you say just now?”

“I asked, where do you plan to go for the honeymoon?”

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