Chapter 045

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Chapter 045 - Abnormal Body Temperature

After a couple of hectic days, Le Yao had finally solved this important matter of the undead army brothers. Feeling relieved, he finally had a good sleep. When he got up, the sun was already three poles high, no, it should’ve been around four and five poles high. The soft golden sunlight spilled into the room through the special glass, spreading its hazy glow over the floor. It was very comfortable to watch. It was just that Xu Yao wasn’t in front of him, and Le Yao didn’t know where he had gone to.

There was a 3D printed blue whale made out of pulp placed on the bedside table, with a small heart-shaped card in its mouth.

——Le Yaoyao, contact me when you wake up.

It feels weird to play like this.

Le Yao carefully put the card away and sent a text message to Xu Yao.

——Reporting to the General! I’m awake now. Where are you?

Xu Yao didn’t reply, but Leslie’s voice sounded from the communicator not long after the message was sent: “Good morning, Madam. The General is in a meeting. It will take about ten minutes to finish. He asked me to tell you that he’ll contact you later.”

Le Yao said, “Alright. Leslie, how was yesterday’s matter solved? Is the battle over?”

“The battle is over,” answered Leslie.

Le Yao stretched his body and said, “That’s good.”

He was completely awake now. Because the two sides had successfully concluded their fight, he could now begin to plan the undead military area. He got up and asked the intelligent chef to make some porridge with a fried egg before taking a bath to refresh himself. After washing up, he put the dirty clothes into the washing machine, then came out just in time to see that breakfast had finished being made.

Xu Yao sent him a holographic call just as Le Yao had taken his first bite of fried egg.

“Did you get enough sleep?” A certain someone was sitting in a swivel chair with a calm smile on his lips.

“Un. Did you carry me back last night?” Le Yao asked as he chewed, casually putting his fingers into his mouth to give them a lick.

“Of course. Who else would?” Xu Yao’s eyes darkened. He couldn’t wait to grab Le Yao’s rabbit paw and take a bite.

Le Yao dressed more casually when he was alone at home. He wore a pair of white shorts and a light blue striped vest. Although he was lean, his body was still well-balanced and looked healthy, with a slight hint of the scent of sunshine. Especially as he ate, he would show a satisfied smile, and the word ‘happiness’ could easily be interpreted from that fair little face.

Eating plain porridge with a fried egg could surprisingly put someone in such a state of bliss. In essence, Le Yao was a very simple person.

Xu Yao felt very comfortable after looking at this scene.

“Have you eaten?” Le Yao asked.

“No, the cafeteria will deliver some food later.” Xu Yao added, “Tang Ye is going to arrive at Vodapei soon. I may be busy these next two days, so I will be back late at night. If you are tired, get more rest. In addition, the temperature has risen again, so try not to go out during the day in order to avoid heat stroke.”

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