Chapter 005

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Chapter 005 - Liquor Cinnabar

It was only later, after Le Yao had arrived at Planet Huaxia, that he would know that Xu Yao was the president of the Appearance Association, known as Yan Kong. Actually he could be exquisite when dressed up. As long as he didn’t fight, he could wear the handsome military uniform in a coquettish way.

Four years ago on the battlefield, there was no way to pay attention to his appearance at all. The orcs of Sarna were not only tall, but also strong, and they had high-tech weapons. They were very hard to fight against in battle. Moreover, some orcs had special attacking abilities and were stronger than the others.

At that time, the two sides had fought fiercely. Xu Yao was too busy to even count the number of days he hadn’t washed his face. In addition, the battlefield environment was bad. He was exposed to the scorching sun for several days and had suffered some injuries. No wonder his face had become swollen and dirty, which made him look like the ghost that Le Yao saw in the picture.

Le Yao thought that the person in the picture looked more than 40 years old, and the one that had just registered marriage with him looked to be 27 or 28. Although his eyes were as sharp as in the picture, his face was thinner, devoid of scars, and his skin color was much better. He was much more handsome in reality than in the picture, and the gap between the two was too shocking.

But it couldn’t be said anymore, because his words had angered this King of Hell just after they’d registered their marriage.

They were currently in the mall. Xu Yao was busy picking some things to give as gifts to his father-in-law. Although Xu Yao hadn’t scolded him for the  things he had said before, Le Yao could feel the man’s body language emitting an aura of ‘I am angry with you!’

Le Yao did not dare to walk too close to him, behaving just like a little young married woman who was being scolded by her husband. Still, he wanted to be stronger, but right then, he had no confidence.

Xu Yao didn’t see anything reliable, so he chose to buy supplements in the supermarket. When Le Yao saw the expensive price tag, he thought it would be embarrassing to speak his thoughts again. He said softly, “Well, in my opinion, because you’ll take me to Planet Huaxia after this marriage, he, I mean my father, will be grateful towards you. So you don’t have to give him such expensive things, really.”

“Is that so?” Xu Yao set his sight on Le Yao’s nervous face again, “It seems that you usually give him a headache?”

“No. I don’t give him a headache,” said Le Yao.

After a while, he added frankly, “I’m going to make him go bald.”

“… So your suggestion is that I should give him a wig or a hairpin?” Xu Yao’s lips tilted slightly upward, showing a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

“How can you say that?!” Le Yao wanted to respond to him again but happened to see something that he really wanted to find on a shelf not far away. He hurriedly walked away from him and said, “If he kills you, I will become a widow just after our marriage! What value will I have then?”


How can you speak like this?! If you, this little wife wasn’t born in Le Feishan’s family, you would have been killed long ago, you know?

“Do you know why the hero can’t get past the beauty?” Xu Yao said with a smile.

Le Yao thought for a moment and said, “Because the beauty is beautiful.”

Xu Yao said, “No, it’s because the hero was angered to death by the beauty.”

Le Yao: “???”

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