Chapter 080

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Chapter 080 - Say Hello

This was a very unique turtle. Le Yao put aside the small piece of cracked eggshell, then lifted up the turtle egg to peer carefully into the crack. He realized that the color of this guy’s shell was not the green he had seen on Earth before, nor fully gray or black. The head was indeed black, but the shell was an opaque jelly pink, with two little red flowers on it…

This reminded Le Yao of a time in his previous life when he had seen some small colored turtles being sold in a park, but those had been deliberately painted by the stall owner to attract the attention of passersby. But, this little turtle was very amazing. He was born with a naturally beautiful pattern on its shell.

“Leslie, what kind of turtle is this? Do you know why the General would gift this to me?” asked Le Yao, whilst holding a turtle that had not yet fully climbed out from the shell.

“Yes, Madam. This kind of turtle was originally named the Fu Lai turtle. Later, it was discovered that the little red flower on its back was very similar to the flower ‘Qing Nuo’; so it is also called the Qing Nuo turtle. Qing Nuo flowers only bloom once in a lifetime and each plant only grows a pair of flowers. Interestingly, if one of them withers or is destroyed, the other will also die quickly. In flower language, this flower represents ‘a lifetime companion.’”

“Ah, do all Qing Nuo turtles have this color?”

“No. They have other colors too. This one is for females, and males have a different color.”

“That can’t be right. Even the Internet doesn’t have records of this kind of turtle egg.” If it hadn’t been for the colorful outer shell, he might have been able to guess that it was a turtle egg, but he hadn’t even considered the possibility because it was just too fancy.

Leslie suddenly stopped talking.

Le Yao poked the communicator, “Leslie?”

“Madam, the General didn’t tell me anything about it, so I can’t guess what he meant,” said Leslie.

Hmm. Could these eggs have been painted with color? He had searched the Internet for information on the Qing Nuo turtle, but the eggshell images online all showed an ordinary white egg. So why? Just to prevent him from discovering it was a turtle egg? What other reason could there be?

In any case, it was quite fun. Le Yao guessed that Xu Yao had sent him the turtles, firstly to occupy him and keep him company, and then also for convenience. This little turtle wasn’t like a kitten or puppy; whilst the latter were also very cute, they might not be able to adapt to the Huaxia’s high temperatures.

Le Yao carefully placed the egg back into the small box. He had previously read on the Internet that it was better not to put newly hatched turtles into water immediately. Instead, just like how humans left a baby’s navel to grow well by itself, turtles should be left in their eggshell to absorb the yolk first. Thinking to this point, he put the eggshell pieces back together. As for the other eggs, he felt it should be fine not to take any more photos. One of them hatched as a turtle, so the rest should also be turtles, right?

Le Yao browsed online before buying a beautiful crystal turtle tank, pebbles and turtle food. After that, with his light brain, he used his student ID to log into the online classroom to ensure there weren’t any problems with his registration. Then, he browsed around and ordered some clothes. He bought a couple’s set of summer pajamas and some loose-fitting clothes from the local mall, so it only took one hour for the delivery to arrive at his door.

It didn’t take long to arrange the clothes in the wardrobe, but the sky gradually darkened, as if it was going to rain. Le Yao asked the intelligent chef to make him a large plate of fruit salad, cake and a cup of warm milk.

The General Loves to Collect Little Red FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now