Chapter 007

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Chapter 007 - Back to Earth

According to Xu Yao, he could watch this ‘Dance of God’ at least 20 times. But the fact was that, before he watched it for the second time, his communicator received a video call from Le Yao.

Le Yao used the code he had gotten during the day and clicked it to contact Xu Yao.

“What’s the matter, baby?” Xu Yao’s big long legs were leisurely resting on the tea table again, and he smiled teasingly, “Missing me so soon?”

“Who is missing you?” Le Yao was rendered speechless and felt that this General had a really  thick skin. “I wanted to ask when we would leave for Planet Huaxia. If we’re not in a hurry, can I return something first?”

“Return something?”

“I want to return all the things my stepmother bought for me. I don’t like them. Besides, I won’t be going to Planet Huaxia for a fashion show. The clothes she bought for me are not suitable to wear there.”

He hadn’t known that Jiang Xinduo had such a crafty heart. Most of the clothes she had bought were summer clothes, with not many good ones among them. Most of them had an open back or were super short. They were either fashionable in style, with rivets and holes in places that couldn’t be said of, or indeed weren’t like proper clothes at all.

Not long after Xu Yao had left, Le Yao had begun to think about returning all those things, and then planned to take that money to buy what he really needed later. Anyway, he had packed enough clothes to wear on Huaxia.

Although Xu Yao wears a military uniform all year round, he was a person who paid attention to appearance, so he knew about all kinds of big brands. Even if Xu Yao didn’t take a close look at the clothes Le Yao’s stepmother had bought for him, he knew that the clothes from those brands would not be comfortable to wear on Huaxia, so he decided to accompany Le Yao.

Thus, they went to the shopping mall that Jiang Xinduo had visited, returned all of those clothes and got 167,000 yuan in cash. As for skin care products and perfumes, those were special items, so they couldn’t be refunded.

Using this 167,000 yuan, Le Yao bought ten brushes and a dozen rice papers from the supermarket. There was no special rune paper available, so he bought rice paper to use for calligraphy. As for a brass bell, he couldn’t find it in the supermarket, so instead, he bought a material kit used for making children’s handmade rattles.

“… are you going to prepare a gift for our unborn baby?” Xu Yao held the rattle kit in his hand. After making it according to the design, it should be a small and cute blue dinosaur rattle. “So virtuous?”

“Who said I would give you a baby?” Le Yao snatched the material kit, “It is for another use.”

“It’s just a rattle. What other uses does it have besides using it to play with children?”

“It works anyway.” Le Yao continued, “By the way, can you send express from Planet Tarot to Planet Huaxia? In case I can't buy something in Planet Huaxia, can I go to Planet Tarot's shopping websitefor online shopping?”

“Online shopping is certainly fine. But what can't you buy in Planet Huaxia?” Xu Yao asked with a smile, “Cinnabar?”

Le Yao stayed silent. It seemed that Xu Yao was able to clearly see his intention. He hurriedly put something else in the shopping cart, and then went to check out. He felt that he had bought a lot of things, but hadn’t spent more than a thousand yuan.

Xu Yao didn’t say anything more. Since he had seen Le Yao’s actions in the video before and hence guessed that Le Yao would buy these things to do it again. In any case, even though he thought that the ‘Dance of God’ was superstitious, it didn’t create any practical problems, so he bought it for Le Yao.

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