Chapter 004

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Chapter 004 - Marriage Registration

Special medication? The first thing Le Yao thought of was the forbidden medicine for gland damage that had been taken by the original body before he ran away from home, since the original body had not eaten anything special in the recent while. 

Le Yao carefully recalled that after the original body had eaten the medicine, he had displayed no reaction at first, but his pheromone scent had seemed to be very weak, almost negligible, and he could escape without leaving traces.

Later, the gland present on the neck had begun to heat up, which then turned into acupuncture-like pain, becoming more painful as time passed, until it had spread to the whole body while he was running to the woods, and when he couldn’t bear the pain, it caused him to faint , directly followed by death.

Now that he thought about it, the original body must have been helped by someone to escape so smoothly into the woods like that.


Xu Yao had been observing Le Yao’s expression. When Dr. Hu saw that Le Yao’s face was gradually becoming paler and he seemed to have fallen into some kind of memory, he looked very uncomfortable. He whispered, “Mr. Xiao Le?” 

Le Yao suddenly reflected, “Ah?”

“Doctor Hu asked you if you had taken any special drugs recently,” said Xu Yao.

Instead of answering the question directly, Le Yao asked, “Doctor, can I first ask if this low OTR index will have any significant impact on me?”

“Of course,” said Dr. Hu. “An overall low OTR index first means that the glands are in an unhealthy state, and your OTR data proves that your glands are likely to have abnormal pheromone secretion, abnormal heat cycles and other conditions that may appear in the future. It won’t be good for you…” 

Dr. Hu then looked at Xu Yao and said, “It may cause a strong attraction for your partner, or it may not be enough attraction, it may make you less fertile, or your own mood may be unstable. Secondly, generally speaking, each Omega’s heat cycle is relatively stable after the first one they get, and it is fixed to happen for a certain period of time of a month within both the first and second half of each year. But you may enter your heat cycle at any time. Do you understand me? At any time, and this means danger.”

Of course, Le Yao understood that a sudden heat cycle was dangerous, and soon he just wanted to go and cry.

He took a deep breath and asked, “Can this problem be treated?”

Dr. Hu said, “It can be treated. But just as it is impossible for a person to regenerate their youth from old age, this gland can only be made more active through treatment, but it is unlikely to return to its former state.” 

At this time, Le Yao really had the desire to chop up Jiang Xinduo.

He didn’t care if the pheromone secretion was too low and it would not be easy to attract his alpha, but what if the pheromone secretion was too strong?! And if it was possible to enter the heat cycle at any time, wouldn’t it mean that he would always have to be with Xu Yao in the future? Otherwise, in a case of sudden heat, what would he do? Suppressants didn’t always worked.

Xu Yao was  also concerned about this problem, but he was more curious about the kind of medication he had taken.

Dr. Hu also wanted to know, but Le Yao hadn’t mention it when asked first. In addition, this kind of thing was prohibited in the market, so it was necessary to investigate why Le Yao had eaten it — although he had asked Le Yao a question at that time, he was sure that Le Yao had eaten something illegal. But the identity of the other side was special, so it was not proper to probe further. 

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