Chapter 097

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Chapter 097 - Uninvited

Yan Jie and Yang Hengtian were working on a confidential project related to the new military network system. The two of them intended to first discuss things between themselves before turning to Xu Yao in the case they encountered any problems. They could then search for a solution together.

Coupled with Yan Jie’s repeated warnings, reminding Yang Hengtian not to talk to outsiders about this matter, there were consequently not many people who knew about the relationship between them.

But now, the situation was no longer the same. Following the incident, Yang Hengtian began to actively spread his ‘propaganda’, so it was not surprising that, not long after, everyone in the Flying Wolf Division knew that he was chasing Yan Jie.

It was an autumn full of love and vigor.

It was similar to an Indian summer, yet it didn’t affect a certain person’s enthusiastic pursuit of his loved one in the slightest.

Even if it resulted in Yan Jie often erupting in anger and brandishing his fangs, Yang Hengtian remained calm.

“Shall we wager on how many days it will take before Yan Jie submits?” Tang Ye suggested with a smile.

“Lieutenant General Tang, Brother Tang, did I somehow offend you before?!” Yan Jie was embarrassed to death when he heard Tang Ye’s proposal.

Since the time Yang Hengtian had uttered the words ‘mark of love’, he had become the focus of attention wherever he went. Even though they had yet to even start anything, most of his comrades had already come forward to offer their ‘congratulations’.

If they were to really start a relationship in the future, wouldn’t it mean that they would end up needing to congratulate him twice?

Congratulations? Hmph, are you sure it’s not a beating you want?!

“Oh, it’s not because you messed with me or anything.” Tang Ye laughed, “But, I’m just a bit bored right now. Haha. “

Emperor Kunta and the Empress would shortly be arriving at Huaxia. It was due to their arrival that all the senior officers had gathered at the port, ready to welcome them.

It was just that such periods of waiting would be really boring.

Le Yao was standing nearby with his children and, upon hearing the earlier conversation, he simply added, “I also want to bet.”

Xu Yao glanced over with a smile.

But Tang Ye quickly refused, saying, “Le Yao, you’re forbidden from participating in this bet. If you join us, it won’t be fun anymore, ah. With your ability, won’t you be able to simply calculate when Yan Jie will surrender to Yang Hengtian?”

“I can only calculate the end result you know, not the exact time.”

Yan Jie felt more speechless after hearing this.

Isn’t this just another way of saying that he will end up accepting Yang Hengtian?

He could only be glad that this ‘welcome team’ was divided into two: the Flying Wolf Division group and the Delegation group. At least this way he was separated from Yang Hengtian.

However, that still didn’t mean that he wouldn’t feel embarrassed in this sort of situation. He couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Yang Hengtian on the other side, but who would have known that Yang Hengtian would also be looking at him at the same time?!

When he discovered this cute scene of their gazes interlocking by pure chance, Yang Hengtian sent him a wink.

Thus, just when Yan Jie thought that no one had noticed and was planning on the best way to beat up a certain Alpha later, he heard whistles and bursts of ‘Ohhh~’s in the next second!

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