Chapter 070

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Chapter 070 - A New Ghost

When Ji Fengyu left the Le Family’s house, his entire body was boiling as if he was going to explode from anger. If he hadn’t remembered what Le Yao had repeatedly told them not to do, he would have definitely already strangled Aldrich using Le Feishan’s hands.

Son of a b*tch! How dare you have such a shameful idea about my brother!

Rong Gui was also furious after he heard Ji Fengyu recount it. He even wanted to encircle Le Feishan and Aldrich, and wrap them up in their resentment. But if they did that, Le Feishan and Aldrich would become unlucky together. They were afraid that people would easily suspect Le Yao and Xu Yao as the culprits, so they decided to bear with it for the time being.

About an hour and half before dawn, Le Yao summoned them to Xu Yao’s residence. By this time, the ghosts had already adjusted their mood so that they wouldn’t show any expressions of displeasure. Frankly speaking, they were, after all, old ghosts who had been drifting around for at least several hundred years, and their ability to manage their facial expressions was quite adequate. Mainly, they just didn’t want to let Le Yao know the truth. He was pregnant with children and distressing him was the last thing they wanted to do.

“That’s all?” Le Yao looked at Ji Fengyu with disappointment. “They didn’t say anything else?” Ji Fengyu had told him that Jiang Xinduo really thought Le Tianyu was dead. As for Le Feishan, Aldrich had come to inquire news about Le Tianyu and had also offered to help.

Ji Fengyu replied, “No, that’s all we heard. Previously, the man Le Feishan had sent to Huaxia to find you may have said something to Le Feishan after he returned. I think Le Feishan is being careful now. Of course, it may also be that Le Feishan hadn’t planned to tell Aldrich the truth from the very beginning.”

“All right. Then I’ll give you some incense first, and you should rest up.”

Le Yao lit the incense sticks and then yawned. Recently, he became tired easily. After returning to Xu Yao’s residence, he had felt a little uneasy about Ji Fengyu, so he hadn’t slept very well. Coupled with their early departure from Huaxia, he felt very sleepy right now.

Ji Fengyu didn’t say anything more. He inhaled the fragrance and winked at Xu Yao when Le Yao wasn’t paying attention.

Xu Yao understood that Ji Fengyu had something else to say to him, so he accompanied Le Yao into the bedroom. After Le Yao was comfortable, he made an excuse about dealing with something, and then came out again.

Le Yao was really sleepy. Naturally, he didn’t think much about it and quickly fell asleep.

“When we got home, Le Yao was really worried about you guys. He didn’t get to sleep well at all. I believe he won’t wake up before dawn.” Xu Yao raised his chin and pointed at the translucent table and chairs placed opposite his sofa. “Please sit down and rest, this new furniture was made by Le Yao as soon as we had arrived here.”

“Rest isn’t important.” Ji Fengyu said, “Mr. Xu, is it true that an Omega’s mark can be washed out?”

“Yes, it’s true. Why did Brother Fengyu suddenly ask about this?”

“That scum Aldrich had actually said that he wanted to wash away Le Yao’s mark!” Ji Fengyu gritted his teeth and suppressed his voice. When he recalled the conversation between the two people, he became furious again. “I never heard him ask Le Feishan about Le Tianyu since I arrived at all. They were basically only talking about Le Yao. Aldrich already knew that Le Yao has special abilities, so he wants to take Le Yao as his own person. He also suggested that Le Feishan should help him. I was afraid that Le Yao would be too angry after hearing that, so I said nothing.”

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