Chapter 058

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Chapter 058 - Very Angry

For the next few days, Le Yao frequently saw the Jiang Family members in the news online. News such as the wine party attended by the old master of Jiang Family, or how many scholarships Le Tianyu received, or Jiang Xinduo taking Le Tianyu to Old Davis’s house again was trending.

The funniest thing was that these people would intentionally give close-up photos of the small wooden fish carving. It seemed that they were afraid that the people outside wouldn’t know that they also had the good fortune pendant. Their vanity was atrocious.

“We can’t do anything about that. By now, many people in the business world are aware of this small wooden fish carving. The Yang Family’s recent good fortune has been witnessed by everyone. So this small wooden fish carving has become more and more well-known. Everyone takes it to be a precious treasure.” Yan Jie added, “I heard that many businesses are now selling this kind of wood-carved fish, which is being called Xiaolingfish.”

“So, this is the disparity between people, ah.” Le Yao said, “Looks like the Yang Family is not like them.”

At first, when the Yang Family came to know that the Jiang Family had also gotten the small wooden fish pendant, Yang Hengtian had asked his younger brother to find Yan Jie and ask where he could buy some more of these pendants. If they could purchase them, they would buy one for each of their family members and for all of their staff. It would be better if everyone had it.

However, Yan Jie said that this kind of thing can’t be bought just anywhere, and that the Jiang Family’s wooden fish pendant might not have spiritual power as the Yang Family’s did.

Yan Jie didn’t directly say that the ones the Jiang Family had were fake, but he told Yang Hengxi that the effectiveness of the pendant depended on the kindness of the people who used it. Only those with a good heart would find it useful. If they had a dark mind and thought about pitting other people all day was fine to carry the pendant, but it was not necessarily useful.

Yang Hengxi understood what was being implied as soon as he heard this explanation, and so he didn’t bring up the idea of buying ‘fish pendants’ anymore. Instead, his eldest brother, Yang Hengtian, donated 100 million yuan to lonely old people who needed help.

Yang Hengtian did not do good for ‘good’, but was naturally kind-hearted, and he understood the principle of gratitude very well.

“There is a reason why Yang Hengtian was able to convince a group of elders to let him take over the Yang Family at a young age. If there were figures such as Yang Hengtian amongst the young generation of the Jiang Family, they would not be facing their current situation. They need to realize how convenient Le Feishan has made their life for them,” said Xu Yao.

“It’s a pity that we don’t have any relatives of the Yang family here. Otherwise, we could give them opportunities to improve their business,” Le Yao grinned, “Along with annoying the Jiang Family as well, hehe.”

“Don’t we have Yan Jie for a relative?” Tang Ye said, “I remember that Yan Jie and Yang Hengxi have always had a good relationship. Ah, by the way, doesn’t the Yang Family still have a third child? I remember he is an Omega, Yan Jie, do you have any ideas about him?”

“I … …”

“It’ll be of no use even if he has ideas,” Xu Yao teased.

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