Chapter 048

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Chapter 048 - Little Wife

This night was doomed to be remembered as a night where many people couldn’t sleep. Le Yao and Xu Yao were enjoying their steamy exercises, the Guard Captain and Shen Weilin were longing for each other, Tang Ye was trying to eradicate endless bugs, and Yan Jie was pressed with a bunch of things to deal with.

Before dawn, Yan Jie received a message which reported that General Le’s people would soon arrive at the military compound on Planet Huaxia. However, he didn’t understand their intentions for coming here. Le Yao was content living here with Xu Yao. What meaning did Le Feishan have for sending someone to pick him up?

It should not be because his ‘little sister-in-law’ had special abilities, and he doesn’t want the 12th Army to have gotten him for cheap, right?

As soon as he thought of this, Yan Jie, regardless of whether the sky was bright or not, informed Leslie that he wanted to report to Xu Yao immediately.

“Brother Xu, what do you think about this?”

“What am I supposed to do?” Xu Yao lit a cigarette and said, “When it’s time, people can say that hospitality must be appreciated and rules must be obeyed. There’s no need to worry about the rest.”

“But… Le Feishan can be regarded as our leader in part, so just in case…”

“There’s no case. A leader must also respect the will of the individual.” Xu Yao added, “What’s more, as you said, in part. Incomplete things never work for me.”

“Alright, I understand, Brother Xu. You and Mr Xiao Le simply need to close the door and not meet them. We have a perfectly valid reason anyway,” said Yan Jie.

“It’s not a bad situation either.” Xu Yao glanced at Le Yao, who was still sleeping in bed, and continued talking as he pinched his cigarette, “In other words, you don’t need to pay that much attention to this. Le Yao is not the former Le Yao anymore. He won’t go with them of his own free will. Compared to this, it’s more important that you burn three pillars of incense to Rong Gui when you go to Fuhe Mountain. If you have any other questions, just ask me.”

“Okay, I understand.”

The communication was terminated. Xu Yao looked at his cigarette pack. There were six cigarettes left in it. After some pondering, he crumpled them up and threw them into the garbage can. The lighter was also kept in the drawer. The two of them hadn’t used any contraceptives at all. Although he was unsure of whether or not there was another life in Le Yao, it was better to pay extra attention to such matters in advance.

This was the fourth day of Le Yao’s estrus period. After three days of passionately grasping each other, Le Yao’s pheromones had begun to slightly converge. At the very least, it wasn’t as overwhelming to the normally restrained Xu Yao, who was usually a man with strong self-control. It was just that this newly-wed couple had finally had a taste of love for the first time. It was fresh, and entrapping, and caused them to not leave their nest for four days now.

When Wang Hao reached his destination, Le Yao was obviously at home with Xu Yao, resting his sore body. Yan Jie told him directly, “I’m sorry, Mr Wang. Our General’s wife has recently just entered his estrus period, so you may have to wait for a few more days in order to see him.”

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