Chapter 075

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Chapter 075 - Thinking About It Drives Him Crazy

The place where Ye Linran worked belonged to the 12th Army and he happened to be located in a special sector of the 12th Army Headquarters. When outsiders wanted to enter, they had to be led by internal personnel. Ye Linran knew that Xu Yao had gone to the Hall of The Great Moon to discuss some business today. Le Yao could visit him only because Xu Yao didn’t take him along.

Standing beside Ye Linran was a person who worked with him. Although it was the first time Le Yao had met this person, he knew who he was. This person often appeared in various news articles of the major media, it would be impossible not to recognize him.

“Welcome to the 12th Army’s Base, Xiao Le Yao. Let me introduce this man to you.”

Ye Linran in person and the figure Le Yao had seen in their previous holographic call had no differences. He was tall and warm, the type that was easy to feel close to, with his eyes that curved into crescents every time he smiled. He pointed at the younger man standing beside him, who was about 30 years old, and said, “This is Yang Hengtian, the President of the Yang Company and one of the 12th Army’s cooperative partners. This is Le Yao, General Xu Yao’s wife. And this is Yan Jie, the best information technician of our 12th Army. “

“Hello,” greeted Yang Hengtian.

Yang Hengtian was a very tall Alpha. He was about the same height as Xu Yao, but he didn’t look as strong as him, and his skin was also paler. In addition, his facial features were softer, and he wore a pair of smart glasses which had golden frames. Therefore, his every movement and mannerism gave off an appearance like that of a Confucian merchant.

“Hello President Yang,” greeted Le Yao. “It seems that you already know Yan Jie?”

Why did you say hello only to me and didn’t greet Yan Jie?And you smiled meaningfully while staring at him… Ah yes!

Le Yao remembered that President Yang’s younger brother and Yan Jie had been classmates in the Military Academy, and that he was the one Yan Jie had sent the little wooden fish pendants to.

“Yes. I have tried my best to get him to work for the Yang Company before. But he chose not to do so and joined the Flying Wolf Division instead. I’ve been depressed about it for a long time.”

“Brother Yang, would you mind not mentioning this matter?” Le Yao didn’t know why, but Yan Jie said this quietly, as if he was feeling guilty while his eyes showed a trace of shyness.

Yang Hengtian smiled and didn’t continue. But this smile happened to be seen by Le Yao. He didn’t say anything, he just felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was very delicate.

Right then, his stomach suddenly grumbled…

Le Yao was stunned and lowered his head in embarrassment while covering his forehead with his hand.

Seeing this, Ye Linran smiled, “Come, let’s eat and talk.”

The cafeteria in the 12th Army Headquarters wasn’t particularly different from that in Huaxia. It was a bit smaller, because it didn’t have a high concentration of soldiers as the Flying Wolf Division did. The style of design was the same, and as there might be more units in each department here, so there were also many private rooms.

Ye Linran brought the three young men into a four seater private room, asked them if they had any food they wanted to avoid, and then recommended some of the 12th Army Headquarters’ special dishes to them. He asked Le Yao, “Xiao Le Yao, what would you like to eat?”

“I can eat anything, Uncle Ye,” said Le Yao, but quietly added in his heart: The more it is the better.

However, since it was also his first time meeting Yang Hengtian, he was really too embarrassed to say that aloud.

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