Chapter 110

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Chapter 110 - Extra 2: Deceptive

The previous plan was for Yang Hengtian and Yan Jie’s marriage to be registered three months later. However, with the sudden and unexpected good news from Yan Jie’s side, the Yang Family thought that it would not be good to delay for so long.

Xu Yao also thought that such a long wait was a little unreasonable, so he applied for a transfer to Tarot for Yan Jie with the higher ups. However, the transfer failed, as they were unable to find a particularly suitable person to take over Yan Jie’s duties in his absence.

Finally, he thought of an alternative solution; a special marriage concession for Yan Jie and Yang Hengtian; they could complete the procedures online, hence not requiring them to be physically present at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Yang Hengtian and Yan Jie thought about it and agreed. After Yang Hengtian returned to Tarot via teleportation, he immediately travelled back to the Flying Wolf Division by spaceship, and the pair then registered for marriage.

After registration, Yang Hengtian would have liked to publish their marriage across all the major media channels, but he had to let go of the idea due to the potential security issues it would raise. As a result, not many people knew that they had become legal spouses at that moment in time.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the Yang Family later began to prepare for the wedding, perhaps only few people would have ever known that the eldest son of the Yang Family had already gotten married.

That night, after booking the hotel for the wedding ceremony, Madam Yang made a holographic call to her eldest son, only to see that he had become a free laborer for her daughter-in-law.

“Hengtian, have you asked Yan Jie about this yet?” asked Madam Yang. “Let’s see which style he likes more. I’ll book the venue with your father in advance and have the manufacturer produce it accordingly.”

“Yes, he said he liked sky blue and ash grey.” Yang Hengtian said, “Just choose the D type from the design you sent me before.”

“All right, I see.” Madam Yang smiled. “Where’s Yan Jie at the moment? Why aren’t you with him? Has his appetite improved in these past two days?”

“It’s the same. He’s in the bathroom now, vomiting.” As he said this, he took a few steps to let Yan Jie’s image appear in the communicator.

Before this call, he had spent the whole day accompanying Yan Jie. It was only after the communicator rang that he walked to the living room to accept his mother’s call. The reason why he didn’t use the communicator’s floating feature to accept the call was because Yan Jie had just finished a bout of vomiting and hadn’t wanted to be seen in such a state.

After flushing the toilet, Yan Jie rinsed his mouth again, turned his head and waved to his mother-in-law.

“Auntie.” His face was so pale that he looked like he was about to collapse.

He had been listening to the earlier conversation, so he knew that Madam Yang had mentioned replacing his current robots with the latest intelligent robot housekeeper developed by their company. All the devices in his home would be replaced with the best-performing models that also boasted the highest security specifications. Then, Yang Hengtian had asked him what colors he liked.

Seeing that Yan Jie’s face was still very pale, Madam Yang said with concern, “Yan Jie, I asked someone to bring you some fruits, vegetables and snacks this morning, for a change of taste.”

Yan Jie said, “Thank you, auntie. I’ve troubled you.”

“What trouble could it possibly be? It’s for my daughter-in-law and grandchild.”

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