Chapter 090

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Chapter 090 - A Gentle Umbrella of Light

“How about this General Xu? Have you learned how to write the word ‘defeat’ now? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!” Seeing the light of victory start to shine on him, Wan Deqing’s lunatic laughter filled Xu Yao’s mecha. “Isn’t it wonderful to listen to your wife screaming? I didn’t expect you to protect the Empire but forget to protect your wife.”

“What of it? What on Earth do you want?” Xu Yao’s words were being squeezed out of his tightly clenched teeth. From the beginning, he had ordered Leslie not to send him any images of Le Yao during the battle, lest he would be distracted. However, the image of someone who looked like Aunt Yu strangling Le Yao’s neck instantly made his eyes turn red!

“It’s easy. If you withdraw all your soldiers from Huaxia, I’ll consider releasing your wife.”

“Withdraw? Are you kidding me?”

“Do I look like I’m joking? Or General Xu, do you feel, in your heart, that your wife and children aren’t as important as your position?” Wan Deqing said with a smile, “I heard that you have a good life and are waiting to become a father of three children. But if you don’t comply with my words today, believe me, I’m afraid you’ll be left with nothing.”

“Then let nothing remain.”

Xu Yao sent orders through his communicator. “Han Mo, take your men out of the house.”

“General?” Han Mo looked at the communicator, stunned. Although it wasn’t a holographic video call, even if he couldn’t see Xu Yao’s expression, this command of his still made him feel very shocked.

“Execute the order!”

Han Mo looked at Le Yao’s eyes and found that they were red and had almost lost focus due to nausea. The sudden sonic attack had evidently caused great damage to Le Yao.

Le Yao was suffering from an intense headache and had no strength at all. Although there was some confusion in his eyes about the words being said, he could still hear Xu Yao’s voice. He didn’t know which communicator had conveyed his voice, but he clearly heard it.

He quirked his mouth slightly and said, “Yes, we can’t withdraw…”

The sound was too soft to hear, but Xu Yao clearly saw the entire scene from the screen. For the first time in his life, he regretted that he knew how to read people’s lips.

At this time, Wan Deqing threatened, “Xu Yao, don’t regret it!”

As his voice fell, the fake Aunt Yu’s hand tightened further around Le Yao’s neck. Le Yao desperately pulled at the constraining arm, but it was to no avail; his strength had been fully depleted. A suffocating sensation struck him, and a burst of darkness covered his sight!

Xu Yao couldn’t hold himself back anymore and shouted, “Wan Deqing! Don’t push your luck!”

Wan Deqing laughed. “What?”

Xu Yao gritted his teeth. “Fine, we’ll withdraw.”

Wan Deqing said, “That’s good. I must say, in the end, it seems General Xu is not a ruthless person. Mo Xian, bring him out. When General Xu’s people have retreated you can deliver his wife back to him.”

The fake Aunt Yu laughed. “Alright, Master.”

Le Yao was already unstable, but his strong spirit allowed him to stay conscious. He was dragged out of the door by his neck and taken on board a hover car.

At this time, Wan Deqing warned, “I will only give you one hour. Within this hour, every soldier of your Flying Wolf Division will abandon their mechas and leave Huaxia, with not a single one remaining on its surface. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being heartless. And don’t try to use your undead army against me when night falls either. I will only release your wife after confirming that all the conditions have been met. If you dare try to take any underhanded actions, I can’t guarantee your wife and children’s safety. After all, the Orcs are ill-tempered and I’m not trained at being patient.”

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