Chapter 055

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Chapter 055 - The Little Ones

The hover car stopped directly over the reception desk outside the hospital’s emergency room. The emergency medical personnel who had already received the alert immediately came out with a stretcher. Xu Yao put Le Yao on the stretcher and took him into the emergency room.

The medical personnel tried to pry Le Yao’s fingers away from Xu Yao’s shirt, but failed. The emergency doctor said, “Get a pair of scissors and cut the General’s shirt!”

Le Yao had closed his eyes, and was in a panicked state, but he still understood his surroundings very clearly. He tightened his hold on Xu Yao’s shirt and weakly said, “No, no, no scissors.”

His voice was very light and his teeth were quivering, but Xu Yao heard it clearly.

Xu Yao felt the hand holding his shirt tighten further, and the feeling of anxiety was being broadcasted particularly clearly. He held Le Yao’s hand and said softly, “It’s alright, we won’t cut it, no scissors.” After that he told the emergency doctor, “I’ll stay with him, he’s too nervous.”

The emergency doctors didn’t pursue the matter any further. They were all people who had given emergency treatment on the battlefield. Their psychological quality was better than that of others. Although Xu Yao was standing there, they still did what they had to do. The emergency doctor in charge said, “Intramuscular injection of two milliliters of neuropeptide… wait, we better use adenosine gland.”

The nurse busily prepared the needle and quickly injected the medicine into Le Yao’s body. Le Yao gradually relaxed. His expression became a little softer, his muscles were no longer so stiff, and his heartbeat was gradually returning to a normal rate. Only the hand that had held on to Xu Yao’s shirt, did not let go even after all this. It took about ten minutes for Le Yao to fully enter a deep sleep and completely loosen his grip. Xu Yao felt a little helpless towards Le Yao’s current condition.

The indicators gradually returned to the normal range, and the doctor told Xu Yao, “General, please rest assured that your wife is out of danger now. However, he needs to undergo a more detailed examination for us to determine the cause for his spasming after being frightened. From the current situation, we can’t rule out any psychological problems.”

Xu Yao said, “Alright, let me know when the examination results come out.”

Xu Yao left the emergency room and asked President Liu, “President Liu, what’s the difference between neuropeptide and adenosine gland?”

President Liu answered, “Both of them are medicines that can relieve spasming symptoms. The effect of neuropeptide is faster and more obvious. After use, there are rarely any symptoms of discomfort, but it is slightly toxic. The toxins can be excreted normally after about three to five days though. For adenosine gland, you will feel dizzy and nauseous after waking up. You will feel uncomfortable for about half a day, but the medicine is non-toxic. Why are you suddenly asking about this?”

“Just now, Dr. Xu had said to use neuropeptide at first, but then he suddenly changed it to adenosine gland,” replied Xu Yao.

President Liu said, “He should have taken into consideration that Mr Xiao Le has just passed his estrus period, and the possibility of pregnancy can’t be ruled out. Our emergency doctors have responded very quickly.”

It was true that all the doctors who could work here as the emergency doctors were all flexible and quick-minded. Xu Yao watched as the doctors and nurses methodically performed a check up on Le Yao and then cleaned up. A question flashed in his mind: Why is Le Yao so afraid of snakes?

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