Chapter 104

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Chapter 104 - Feeling Wronged

Yan Jie bowed his head and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, instead of replying to Le Yao’s question. He had opened and closed his mouth three times already, but still couldn’t manage to make himself voice his thoughts.

Le Yao also had no intention of prying too deeply into this matter. Seeing Yan Jie fidget and sit in a tense posture, he decided to bring over the promised nougats and cookies, as well as some of his handmade flower tea.

Nowadays, he had much less time to make sweets since there were also three children to look after. However, because a certain someone liked to eat sweets, he would still try to make some occasionally, whenever he could find the time.

“Here are the cranberry nougat and some cookies I made recently. Please, help yourself.” Le Yao sat down opposite Yan Jie.

“Oh, this is delicious. Do you like sweet food, Mr Xiao Le?” asked Yan Jie. Almost every once in a while, one could find all kinds of snacks and sweets at Le Yao’s house.

“It’s not that I like it, it’s that your brother likes them. I’m actually not that good with sweets, just one or two bites would be enough for me.”

“Then it’s a good thing that I came here.” Yan Jie remarked, as he also liked to eat sweets. He ate two pieces of nougat and drank some tea but didn’t show much interest in the cookies. Perhaps, he needed a special sweet treat to make himself happier during this time.

Sure enough, Yan Jie was in a visibly better mood after eating the snacks and not at all in a hurry to leave. It was strange to say that, although he had so many friends and companions here, he was closest to Le Yao. What made it stranger was that the time he had known the other was also the shortest.

He was too embarrassed to talk about this matter with his other brothers, but it seemed comfortable and natural to discuss it with Le Yao.

Maybe it was because even if he didn’t say it, Le Yao would have been able to figure it out?

Yan Jie unwrapped another piece of nougat and his attention was momentarily drawn to the incubator at the side. The three white little buns were sleeping soundly. He looked at them for a while, and just as he was about to look away, he saw that the biggest one had woken up. The baby twisted his body uncomfortably and whined lightly.

“Hey, it’s you again!” Pretending to be angry, Le Yao arched his finger and tapped against the incubator twice. “So naughty!”

“Is something wrong with him?” asked Yan Jie.

“It’s nothing really. He’s fine. Just this morning, he was calling your brother ‘Dad’ and still clinging to him for a long time before your brother left for work.” Le Yao smiled and took the eldest son out of the incubator. “Hanghang, let’s talk about it. Is it right for you to be naughty and delay your father from heading to work?”

“Wu ya~” Xu Hang fluttered his little legs, clenched his fists and watched Le Yao with a grin.

“Mr Xiao Le, it seems that your and Brother Xu’s genes are very good. He’s already growing at such a fast pace.”

Yan Jie had only seen a few children, but none of them could match Xu Hang’s growth. It was clear that the parents’ genes played a vital role in their development.

“It’s better for them to grow faster, because that way it’ll be easier to take care of them. In the beginning, I really didn’t know what to do. I was so afraid even when changing their diapers.” Le Yao continued with a smile, “But, thankfully it’s not like that anymore. Isn’t that right, Hanghang? Say ‘Daddy’ or ‘Lele’.”

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