Chapter 107

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Chapter 107 - Extra 1: Yan Jie — Yang Hengtian ( 2 )

When Madam Yang arrived at the door of Yang Hengtian’s room, she saw that all three of her sons were inside.

Then she smiled, “Oh? What a rare sight, to see the three of you here this early.”

Yang Hengxi said, “We just came over to talk with Eldest Brother. When did Bai Ning arrive?”

‘Bai Ning’ was the young man who had been talking with Madam Yang as they had walked upstairs. This young man, who was in his early twenties, had short chestnut-coloured hair, a melon seed-shaped face and white and clean skin—he was like the quintessential little-brother-next-door.

Before the Yang Family had moved to their current residence, the Yang and Bai families had been neighbors, because they had lived in the same community.

“I heard that Brother Hengtian was back. So I came to see him.” Bai Ning smiled, “Brother Hengxi, Hengyu, how are you?”

“We’re fine.” Yang Hengxi nodded and then looked at his eldest brother.

“Then why don’t you two come downstairs? It’s rare for Bai Ning to come here. I’ll ask Yu Ma to make you some snacks later.” Madam Yang said this as she winked at her two sons and hinted at them to go downstairs together.

She really wanted to let Bai Ning and her eldest son have some time to talk alone. But the truth was that she knew her eldest son didn’t really pay any attention to Bai Ning. Otherwise, their two families would have already become in-laws by now. But, who knows what can happen, right?

The person had already arrived, and she couldn’t just brush him away.

Unexpectedly, her eldest son replied, with slight alienation in his tone, “Mom, let Hengxi and Hengyu go down to talk with Bai Ning. There’s someone else in my room, so I won’t be going down for the time being.”

The wind was clear and the clouds were light, but it struck Madam Yang and Bai Ning like daylight thunder.

Madam Yang was startled, “There’s someone else in your room? How could I not know?”

Yang Hengtian then smiled, “If you knew, you would end up asking that person too many questions. We already haven’t met for several days, so I let him rest first in my room.”

Yan Jie couldn’t be seen by outsiders. So, Yang Hengtian took advantage of the short period before Madam Yang had arrived at his room, to show Yan Jie into his bedroom. That person was no longer in the living room at the current moment and there were no other movements either.

It was natural for Madam Yang and Bai Ning to assume that there was no sixth person inside. Nonetheless, after hearing this information, the former was a little confused, and the latter seemed to be about to cry.

Yang Hengtian glanced in the direction of his bedroom and said with an apologetic smile. “He may have been a little tired just now, so he is still sleeping. I’ll bring him downstairs when he wakes up later.”

After he finished his words, he turned his head and once again resumed showing a gentle but indifferent face. “I’m guessing that he might sleep for a few hours. Mom, don’t blame him for not meeting you. I want to monopolize him for a little longer.”

Madam Yang: “…”

Bai Ning: “…”

Yan Jie, who was in the bedroom with his ear against the door, rolled his eyes.

Bai Ning was not stupid. Of course he could sense that Yang Hengtian was still indifferent towards him. He couldn’t help biting his lips before saying, “Brother Hengtian, you-you wouldn’t be lying to me because you want me to leave, right?”

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