Chapter 093

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Chapter 093 - The Prince of Fengdu

Xu Yao was a handsome man with an extraordinary ability. He used his fingers as a brush to draw talismans, and could imbue them his own spiritual power, not needing to even invite the Gods.

But when could he have met with him before…

Le Yao struggled to recall all the memories spanning across his two lives, however, nothing emerged. He could only remember that Xu Yao was his husband in this current life, along with being the father of his children.

That’s it.

As for his other identity, was he really Yan Wang?!

He dimly remembered seeing the seal on Xu Yao’s palm before. His Master had even spoken to him about it, and it really was the authentic Yan Wang seal.

But how could it be possible?

Le Yao looked seriously at Xu Yao’s face. “You mean to say that, in addition to this life, we have also met in another life?”

Xu Yao nodded. “En.”

Le Yao was confused. “But, I have no impression of this at all. Were we also husband and wife in that life?”

Xu Yao pondered about how to answer for a while, before finally saying, “We didn’t get married, but we loved each other deeply within our hearts.”

“… Are you joking with me? Then why was it that didn’t we get married at that time?”

Xu Yao engulfed Le Yao in his arms.

Strangely, this action made Le Yao feel a sudden pain in the depths of his heart—it was as if someone hadn’t just dug out a piece of his heart, but had instead torn it apart until only small shreds of it remained.

The pain was unbearable. It was unimaginably suffocating and all Le Yao could do was hold onto Xu Yao’s arms tightly.

It seemed like he had forgotten something very important, but he didn’t have the slightest impression of what it could be. How could he not remember such a powerful man if he had seen him before?

Though, that wasn’t quite right. Since it was another life, it was only normal that he didn’t remember. After all, when he drank the Meng Po Tang of the Underworld, his past life should obviously have been completely forgotten.

What was strange was that, since Xu Yao had the seal of Yan Wang, how could they have been separated? Could it have been that, because the other was Yan Wang, they weren’t permitted to love each other?

“That… in the other life that you spoke of, in the end, who was I-no, who am I? Why did we separate in the end?”

“You are still Le Yao.” Xu Yao caressed Le Yao’s hair gently. “But, you’re also the son of the Great Emperor of Fengdu.”

“Pffttt! Ha ha ha ha ha?!”

Le Yao laughed so hard that his stomach started aching again.

“Husband, how much did you drink for you to become like this?”

Are you crazy?

To even have the guts to say that he was the son of the Great Emperor of Fengdu…

This person, doesn’t he know what heavenly status the Great Emperor holds?

The Great Emperor of Fengdu was the most exalted God in the Underworld, even all the Yan Jun of the Ten Palaces combined weren’t as powerful as him.

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