Chapter 053

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Chapter 053 - One Meal Box is Not Enough

At first, the people of the Yang Family didn’t believe in the Good Fortune talismans either. They were all atheists, and everything they did had to have a scientific basis. However, Yang Hengxi couldn’t stand that attitude, so he tried to convince them and nagged them until they brought the pendants around with them. Anyways, it was just a small wood-carved fish and wasn’t troublesome to bring around. Besides, it was also a fact that the Yang Family hadn’t done very well in all aspects of their lives for the past six months. If this could bring them good luck, it would really be a good thing.

To say at the least, even if it didn’t bring good luck, the fish pendant wouldn’t be the reason for their situation deteriorating any further from this point onwards.

“Hengxi, there is a sound coming from this thing. Have you checked it?” Yang Hengtian, the eldest brother of the Yang family, was a businessman in the high-tech and communication industry. He was more cautious when doing things. When he got the jingling fish carving, he immediately asked Yang Hengxi this question.

“I’ve already scanned it. Although it was sent by my old classmate, he got it from someone else’s hands after all.” Yang Hengxi added, “Don’t worry, elder brother. There’s only a bell and a small paper bag in it. Nothing strange.”

“Alright, then please thank your classmate on behalf of our family.” Yang Hengtian looked up and thought, his friend must be a very simple young man, otherwise who would believe in these things?

As for why he had guessed that his old classmate was a male rather than a female, it was because his brother had only ever had one female friend, and it was the one he had just managed to catch. Other girls have never looked at him, so it was impossible for him to receive any gifts from a girl.

After Yang Hengxi left, Yang Hengtian’s secretary raised his glasses and said with a smile, “President, is the Second Young Master trying to trick us?”

Yang Hengtian replied back without raising his head, “What’s the trick? The other party doesn’t want any of our money or anything else, and just wants to give him something as an old classmate. It’s enough that the original intentions are good, so don’t think such complicated things. You’d better go contact Dr. Liang to see if he has any free time today.”

The secretary experienced a headache whenever Dr. Liang was mentioned. They had encountered some difficulties in the process of researching new technology and its development, and this Dr. Liang was a knowledgeable expert in this field, and was the one who would most likely be able to solve this problem. They had already invited him five times, no, ten times. But the man just refused to meet them. When they asked why he refused to meet them, Dr. Liang just stated that there was no reason, i.e. he didn’t want to cooperate with Yang Family at all, and so Yang Hengtian was worried about it to death.

If their technology research continued to fail to produce any good results, the research funds would quickly be consumed day after day, and would certainly lead to a deficit in their business. Thus, the secretary encouraged himself once more and got in touch with Dr. Liang again.

Unexpectedly, Dr. Liang, who had previously rejected their every invitation, suddenly agreed to help this time! Agreed!

Upon finishing the conversation with Dr. Liang, the secretary was still in a daze and felt like it was all a dream. As realisation sunk in, he shouted, “Ah ah ahhh!!!”

Yang Hengtian frowned and asked, “Why are you shouting?”

The secretary exclaimed, “Dr. Liang has agreed to our invitation! Oh my God, is this fish pendant really so effective?”

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