Chapter 035

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Chapter 035 - Don't Even Think About It

In the past, Ji Fengyu could not be summoned when Le Yao was on Planet Tarot, so Le Yao was not sure if he could take the dead away from Planet Huaxia. Logically, it should be possible. And one thing was for sure, if Le Yao could take them away from Huaxia, he would be able to do more in the future, and he could wholeheartedly assist Xu Yao with this ability.

He must become Xu Yao’s assistant, or else he would be out of work. Although it wasn’t necessary for him to do any work, it would prevent rumors of him being an idle housewife from spreading outside.

“This really is my brother’s skill,” Ji Fengyu looked at the big ugly white cloth doll with crooked eyes and mouth in Le Yao’s hand without showing any expression, “Can’t you sew it better?”

“Time is short. How can I sew it better for you? Make do with this first,” Le Yao said while pasting a piece of talisman on the doll, “Are you ready?”


Promptly after Ji Fengyu’s voice fell, Le Yao’s mouth began to chant something, and soon Ji Fengyu’s soul slowly drifted into the little doll, going through the sparse stitches and feathers in its body.

In the past, many undead had tried to leave Planet Huaxia to see if they could go further, but the results were unsuccessful. It could be established that it was impossible for the soul, by itself, to leave Planet Huaxia. Thus, Le Yao imprisoned the dead in a small doll and tried to take them out in this alternate way.

Xu Yao then asked, “Is this fine?”

Le Yao said, “It’s fine, let’s go.”

Xu Yao had his sight opened with the Tianyan talisman again. He was going to take Ji Fengyu out into space with his spaceship in accordance with Le Yao’s words. With the speed of his spaceship, it took less than five minutes to complete the experiment.

Ji Fengyu was placed in a chair, the intelligent seat belt was fixed on the doll’s small body, and then Leslie was ordered to fly at a high speed.


The spaceship flew into the sky in a flash. Ji Fengyu took off from Planet Huaxia within the doll.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes…

They were out of Huaxia’s atmosphere, and he remained in the doll!

When Le Yao saw that Ji Fengyu was still inside the doll, he was excited by the result and exclaimed with a smile, “I knew it, it’s working!”

Xu Yao also saw that Ji Fengyu’s spirit body had been compressed into a mass and squeezed within the doll, but it was still there.

“Help me find three good souls,” Le Yao said, “Apart from you, Brother Song and Brother Wang, I just need three more souls in total. Remember, you must be careful when selecting them. They must be reliable. After you find these good souls, bring everyone to my house for further discussion. Also, I guarantee that I’ll give you the things I have promised after the package arrives.”

“You only need three more?” Ji Fengyu said unexpectedly, “Isn’t that too little?”

“I can’t manage too many souls, and maybe I’ll be busy with something later. You need to know that many things are still unknown. I want to make sure that you can come back safely and that those souls will be highly cooperative with me.” Le Yao said, “Do you have any qualified candidates over there?”

“More than enough,” Ji Fengyu sighed and added, “There are more than you can imagine. But you’re right. We can’t manage too many for the time being. Let’s just do it step by step for now. I’ll let Song He bring the selected souls to you after I go back later. For the time being, we will only find those nearby who are in special need of help and are familiar with us, so as to ensure that they will not cause you any trouble in the future.”

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