Chapter 042

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Chapter 042 - No Salvation

Although they had been informed by their Captain that, ‘the General has knowledge of our situation and will try his best to help us‘, no one had thought that the first round of ‘help’ would be this sort of ‘help’!

Too fragrant! Too cool! It’s amazing!

Five thousand soldiers tried their best to inhale and suck the incense smoke into their stomachs, and the soldiers who couldn’t take the smoke became increasingly anxious, but were not angry. The Captain had mentioned that since there were so many brothers who had died, they would not be able to take care of all of them in one go. They must register their birthday information first, and there was no need to rush, as the remaining people could still register one after another, and within five days, they would all be registered.

Hence, a strange scene took place within the undead army. A group of Flying Wolf soldiers, with bright shining eyes, suddenly began to inhale and suck in the air desperately, as if they had been injected with chicken blood. They swooped forward and caught the orc ghosts, which was followed with an easy beating!

It was impossible to completely beat them, but it was possible to hurt them. Previously, it required two Flying Wolf soldiers to deal with one orc, but now one Flying Wolf soldier dared to challenge multiple orcs!

The undead orcs were not stupid. At first, they didn’t know what was happening. But after some time, they realised that there was something wrong with the silver shells.

However, it was too late for them to think about it, because the Flying Wolf army, who had been sniffing the incense smoke desperately, had gone mad. Behaving as if they were completely immune to pain, they rushed forward, one after another.

“Brothers of the 4th Unit! Follow me!” shouted Shen Weilin, but instead of taking away a group of ten people as was done in the registration round, he called away one unit at a time!

“Captain, what’s in those shells?” The soldiers of the 4th Unit asked, “How come those registered brothers are acting like crazy after doping on this thing?”

“It’s called ‘incense’. It was sent to us by the General and his wife. You can call it ‘food for the dead,’” answered Shen Weilin.

“Will we also get to have it after we finish the registration?”

“Wait a moment,” Shen Weilin asked Ji Fengyu, “Brother Fengyu, will we get more incense tonight for the next batch of registrations?”

“No more offerings tonight. The brothers who registered last night received their incense offerings today, and those who registered tonight will have their turn tomorrow night.” Ji Fengyu watched Le Yao get on the hovercraft and continued, “Don’t worry, it’s only a matter of three or four days. As long as you cooperate, it will be done very fast. The General’s wife also said that it would be troublesome at the beginning, but will become easier later.”

“That’s great.” Shen Weilin said, “I’ll be troubling you during this time.”

Ji Fengyu sat there and said in good humour, “It’s no trouble at all. Your General’s wife and I are family, so all of you are like a part of the mother-in-law’s family. Oh, no, it’s the ghost-in-law’s family, so everyone is our own family.”

He then shouted loudly, “Next! Come on, brothers! When you leave after registration, tell the brothers who have lined up behind you to declare their birth date, time and place when it is their turn. This will save a lot of time.”

“I don’t know the specific time,” someone asked, “Is it alright if I just know the date?”

“If you know the date but don’t know the exact time, go to that line,” Ji Fengyu pointed to the other end. That was where Wang Feixia was located, recording for the soldiers who didn’t know their specific birth time.

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