Chapter 013

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Chapter 013 - Luxury Villa

The vegetables had already been picked and could not be stuck back to their stems. So Le Yao had to accept Uncle Ming’s kindness and let him pay for the vegetables first. When he received the vegetables, his face was more purple than the eggplants in the bag.

Uncle Ming stopped walking and said to Le Yao, “Don’t be sad, please wait for the General to come back. He will have a way.”

On their way home, Le Yao firmly said that he still owed the money to Uncle Ming. He would think about a way to return it later. He nodded his head and listlessly said, “I have troubled you today Uncle Ming, I’ll go into the house first. Thank you.”

Uncle Ming replied, “Please call me if you need anything later.”

Le Yao waved, closed the door, picked up the vegetables and began to wash them. He took out the eggplants, removed their stalks and cut them down the middle, which divided each one into two parts. He also took out a piece of meat and thawed it. He didn’t know when Xu Yao would be coming back, so he didn’t hurry to finish cooking. He just stood beside the kitchen table and peeled garlic cloves and onions. After he finished peeling, he hesitated whether or not to send a message to Xu Yao. After some deliberation, he lifted his wrist and instead dialed Le Feishan’s communicator.

“Le Yao?” It didn’t take long for Le Feishan to pick up the call, “It’s rare for you to call me. You still think about your father?”

“How could I forget about you, dad? I just wanted to ask how you’ve been doing these days.”

“… Not good.” It seemed that Le Feishan had some problems at home. After all, he seemed a little bit upset. “Your mother fell off the balcony today and was hospitalized. What about you? Are you used to living on Huaxia?”

“I… I’m used to it. The prices are very high here. Do you think it is possible for you to…” Le Yao gritted his teeth and braced himself, and then asked, “Do you think you can transfer three million yuan to me? If three million is too inconvenient, two million and three hundred thousand will do.”

“Le Yao!!!” Le Feishan suddenly roared, scaring Le Yao, “Don’t you have anything else to ask from me? I said that your mother was in the hospital, don’t you care about her? You ask for money every time we talk! Don’t you have a heart?”

“I promise it’s the last time, dad!” Le Yao said, “I borrowed some money three months ago. If I don’t pay it back, it will affect my credit investigation. In the future, I won’t even be able to sit on a spaceship if I don’t solve this. Please just help me this time.”

“Help you? Which ‘time’ have you not said is the last time, huh? Which ‘time’ is the real last time?! Your mother may be used to it but I’m not! ” Le Feishan said angrily, “I won’t send you any money! Let’s see how you’ll solve this now!”


Le Feishan cut off communication.

When Xu Yao came back, he heard the familiar ‘clang clang’ sound inside the house, but this time, it seemed a bit heavy. When he opened the door and looked towards the kitchen, Le Yao had a knife in his hand and was trying to cut the meat on a chopping board. Xu Yao didn’t know what was wrong, but Le Yao didn’t seem like he was cutting meat, but instead looked like he wanted to kill someone.

Didn’t he realise that someone is here? His alertness is really too poor.

Xu Yao took off his coat and threw it away. He quietly went behind Le Yao, then pressed down on the hand that was holding the knife and covered his eyes with his other hand. He lowered his voice and said fiercely, “Don’t move! Robbery!”

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